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Water Treatment

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Save energy and water with a system that generates boiler makeup water

In boilers, silicates can volatilize with the generated steam and then form silicate glass on turbine blades, causing an imbalance. Therefore, the concentration of silicates in boiler circuits must be reduced to below 0.5 parts per million (ppm). The conventional…

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Reduce oxygen waste in ozone generation with this O2-recovery system

A new adsorption-based technology can separate ozone from oxygen in O3-generating systems, allowing recycling of unreacted O2. In corona-discharge O3 generation, O2 molecules are split by passage through an electric field to create free oxygen atoms, which quickly combine with…

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Wastewater concentrator uses waste heat to lower treatment costs

Landfill leachate and other challenging wastewaters incur rising treatment and disposal costs. Technology developed by Heartland Water Technology, Inc. (Hudson, Mass.; can lower costs for treating wastewater by slashing wastewater volumes by 95% or more, using waste heat as…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: November 2017

The following are recently published titles relevant to the chemical process industries (CPI) Sustainable Water Management and Technologies, Vol. 2: Sustainable Water Technologies, By Daniel Chen, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017, 828 pages, $279.95. What Every Engineer Should Know About…

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New antimicrobial compounds offer disinfectant alternatives

A newly patented class of synthetic antimicrobial compounds is aimed at overcoming the limitations of existing industrial disinfectants, such as quaternary ammonium compounds and bleaches. “Bleaches are effective disinfectants on initial application, but they don’t work when they dry and…

Honoring Chemical Engineering Achievements

As part of its expanded seminar series this year, the Chem Show is hosting a session that highlights outstanding achievements in chemical engineering that have led to successful commercializations. The presenters are all finalists for the renowned Kirkpatrick Chemical Engineering…

Chemical Engineering Magazine Booklist: September 2017

The following information describes recently published books relevant to the chemical process industries (CPI): Engineering Energy Storage, By Odne Stokke Burheim, 2017, Academic Press, 252 pages, $125.00. Energetic Materials: Advanced Processing Technologies for Next-Generation Materials. Edited by Mark Mezger, Kay…

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Magnetized viruses attack challenging bacteria in water-treatment systems

Biofilms in water-treatment systems may harbor problematic bacteria and pathogens since chemical disinfectants typically do not penetrate the biofilm. Now, a new treatment approach developed in the laboratory of Pedro Alvarez at Rice University (Houston; could enable the controlled…

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Odor Issues and Solutions for Wastewater Treatment

Increasingly, wastewater treatment plants must address odors due to volatile contaminants. This guide provides an overview of odor causes and possible remedial actions Processes and applications that emit odor-causing air contaminants are common across many sectors of the chemical process…

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Smart Water-Management Strategies: The Time is Now

Considering water-management strategies as a central component of infrastructure design at industrial facilities will unlock cost savings throughout the operation Mounting water shortages and resulting regulations across the globe are fueling the need for seamless and smarter water-management methods —…