A team from the National University of Singapore (www.nus.edu.sg), led by assistant professor Duong Hai Minh from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, has succeeded in converting paper waste into cellulose aerogels that are nontoxic, ultralight, flexible, extremely strong, and water…
PET recycling Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) can be quickly depolymerized into virgin monomers using a patented process that was developed, and is being scaled up by Ioniqa Technologies BV (Eindhoven, the Netherlands; www.ioniqa.com). The company recently finalized a multi-million-euro funding round…
A process that converts methane into hydrogen and carbon black has been developed by researchers at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS; Potsdam; www.iass-potsdam.de) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT; Karlsruhe, both Germany; www.kit.edu). In a joint project…
Modular construction provides many benefits, but the decision to go modular should be thoroughly investigated Modular construction, which includes projects from small- and large-scale process systems to pilot plants to entire modular facilities, is a growing trend in the chemical…
A dry adhesive technology inspired by the microscopic hairs on gecko’s feet is said to be the first of its kind to be commercialized. Known as Setex, the technology was developed by nanoGriptech Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pa.; www.nanogriptech.com), a company spun…
To ensure you get the most out of your heat transfer fluids throughout their lifetime, it is recommended to sample, test and analyze your fluids once a year. Be sure to look for a heat transfer fluid supplier that provides…
Adding flare-gas recovery units at strategic locations of an olefin plant can not only reduce emissions, but will save money as well Although gas flaring is necessary at some chemical process industries (CPI) plants or facilities, more and more efforts…
Piping leakage due to corrosion has the potential to cause catastrophic fires and damage to process equipment in petroleum refining and other chemical process industries (CPI) facilities. When such incidents occur, a large amount of damage and a long downtime…