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Chemical Engineering

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Quantitative microbial monitoring for corrosion-relevant organisms

LuminUltra Technologies Ltd. (Fredericton, N.B., Canada; recently launched a suite of DNA-based monitoring tools specifically designed to address organisms linked to microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). The collection enables industrial users to collect, prepare and test samples for a range…

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Chementator Briefs [December 2022]

Li extraction A new technology is going to be introduced at the Schlumberger NeoLith Energy direct lithium-extraction (DLE) project in Clayton Valley, Nev. Developed by Gradiant Ventures (Boston, Mass.;, the technology enables high levels of lithium concentration (while simultaneously…

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New smelting furnace enables the use of lower-grade ore in DRI ironmaking

In late October, Metso Outotec Corp. (Helsinki, Finland; introduced the DRI (direct reduced iron) Smelting Furnace to substitute blast furnaces used in iron- and steelmaking. The furnace was developed to tolerate high-slag volumes, which are problematic for a conventional…

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Using ‘coke’ to reduce CO2 emissions from steelmaking

Liberty Steel UK (LSUK; London; has completed trials of ecoke — a sustainable new raw material that can replace anthracite, the main source of charge carbon used in the electric-arc furnace (EAF) of steelmaking, and reduce steel’s carbon footprint…

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Chem Chronicles: Discovery and Re-discovery of Mechanochemistry

A reclusive expert of 19th-century photography laid the foundation for mechanochemistry, a once-ignored field that is re-emerging in ‘green chemistry’ applications  For decades in the late 1800s, Carey Lea had been fascinated by the chemistry of photography, and had studied…

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Scaling Up Hydrogenation Processes for Biomass Conversion

When scaling up new processes involving complex feedstocks, such as biomass, well-defined mixing is key. Guidelines presented here will help to efficiently move biomass hydrogenation reactions from the laboratory to commercial-scale operations One of the most promising pathways to biomass-based,…

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Monitoring and Control Improves Dust Handling

As dust collection becomes an integral part of chemical processes, monitoring and other technologies promote efficiency and performance Dust control has always been important in the chemical process industries (CPI) due to the often toxic and combustible nature of the…

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Facts At Your Fingertips: Liquid-Liquid Extraction Basics

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is a separation technique that exploits differences in the relative solubility of compounds of interest (the solute) in two immiscible liquids — most often an aqueous phase and an organic solvent. This one-page reference reviews basic information…

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Simultaneous Pump and System Sizing

Flow analysis can aid in simultaneously sizing pumps and associated piping systems. The concurrent sizing can reduce wasted energy and improve pump reliability In the chemical process industries (CPI), a variety of incredible process-simulation tools are available to provide greater…

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Iridium-free electrolysis demonstrated for stable hydrogen production

The necessity for precious metals, such as iridium, in water-splitting catalysts is a major challenge in the feasibility of large-scale production of hydrogen using electrolysis. Now, a team of researchers from Rice University (Houston; has developed a mechanism for…