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Chemical Engineering

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Wireless device detects coronavirus — no batteries required

A collaborative research group in Japan has engineered a self-sustaining device that can detect the presence of COVID-19 particles or droplets in air. The device, which requires no batteries, employs a magnetostrictive clad plate composed of iron, cobalt and nickel,…

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New pressure-relief valves improve performance and reduce emissions

Spring-loaded pressure-relief valves (PRVs) often use bellows to ensure balanced operation. Data analysis from 30,000 PRV service records across different industries and valve brands shows a bellows failure rate between 2 to 6%, according to Emerson (St. Louis, Mo.;…

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A new tool to capture ‘microbial dark matter’

Microorganisms populate nearly any habitat, no matter how hostile it is. Their great variety of survival strategies is of huge potential in biotechnology. However, most of these organisms are unknown, because they cannot be cultivated. To make better use of…

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Converting waste paper into better battery anodes

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore; have developed a technique to convert waste paper, from single-use packaging, bags and cardboard boxes, into electrodes, which can be made into rechargeable batteries that power mobile phones, medical equipment and…

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Business News: January 2023

Plant Watch Air Liquide to supply H2 and CO to Kumho Mitsui Chemical December 13, 2022 — Air Liquide S.A. (Paris, France; has signed a long-term contract to supply Kumho Mitsui Chemical (KMCI) with additional hydrogen and carbon monoxide…

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Doing Multiple Experiments at the Same Time

New equipment and systems for high-throughput and parallel experiments are speeding the development of catalysts and optimizing processes for both traditional and emerging industries High-throughput screening has been used for many years in the pharmaceutical industry, especially for drug discovery.…

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Non-Invasive Temperature Measurement in the CPI

While thermowells have become well-established, they have potential drawbacks that can affect their performance. The benefits of alternative non-invasive temperature sensing is presented here Temperature is one of the most important parameters for industrial processes, providing a key indicator of…

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Temperature: The Most Misunderstood Process Variable

Measuring temperature is required in nearly all chemical processes, but engineers often struggle with implementation. Here are suggestions to avoid common pitfalls Measuring temperature in chemical processing applications remains, arguably, the most misunderstood of the four main process variables, which…

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Open Process Automation is Gaining Sustainable Momentum

Digital transformation in the chemical process industries demands open architecture, enterprise-wide interoperability and a focus on sustainability. Progress discussed here is moving the industry in that direction Many companies in the chemical process industries (CPI) are currently pursuing digital transformations…

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ESG Programs: Understanding the Untapped Opportunities

While it may be easy to fixate on the costs and efforts associated with implementing ESG programs, taking a closer look at ESG can reveal many untapped advantages Environmental, social and governance (ESG) programs are intended to encourage companies to…