The following recently published titles may be relevant for chemical process industries (CPI) professionals: Biomass as Renewable Raw Material to Obtain Bioproducts of High-Tech Value. Edited by Valentin Popa and Irina Volf, Elsevier Press, 2018, e-book, $31.50 per chapter. Dealing…
A remote-operated, screw-propelled (amphirol) machine equipped with a vacuum hose can remove solid catalyst material from reactors robotically, allowing plants to avoid subjecting personnel to enclosed work environments and inert atmospheres. Currently, catalyst changeout requires personnel to work inside process…
Predicting powder flow behavior is important to successful solids-handling processes. Provided here is a review of shear-cell testing and how the technique can be used to predict arching, ratholing and other behaviors The phrases “failure to discharge” and “erratic flow…
Non-representative sampling in solids processes has costly consequences. A better understanding of the mathematical basis for sampling and of acceptable quality levels can help to alleviate potential sampling issues and more closely approximate reality Effective sampling in solids-handling processes is…
New milling, grinding and size-reduction equipment helps processors obtain better efficiencies and develop new products Although milling and size-reduction equipment may be mature — some technologies date back to the 1800s — evolving needs of chemical processors, including the demand…
Agglomeration and granulation are used to achieve a wide range of objectives in solids-handling processes, including to ensure a desired particle-size distribution, minimize segregation, and improve solids flow, as well as to control de-aeration and compaction behavior and attrition resistance…
The size and size distribution of particles are important determining factors in the design and operation of many process operations involving dry particles and powders. Follow this guidance to understand the impact of these key characteristics Bulk solids are dry…
The following are recently published titles relevant to the chemical process industries (CPI) Sustainable Water Management and Technologies, Vol. 2: Sustainable Water Technologies, By Daniel Chen, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017, 828 pages, $279.95. What Every Engineer Should Know About…
This overview presents the traditional and emerging types of continuous crystallizers Crystallization is an important technique for the purification of solids in the chemical process industries (CPI). The operation can be performed batchwise or in continuous operation, and is used…
Cake filtration is a common operation across many sectors of the chemical process industries (CPI). In cake filtration, the solid being filtered acts as a screen so that particles of the suspension are retained by the medium, resulting in the…