Use the strategies discussed here to maximize the yields of solid products from batch drying vessels Successfully drying a wet solid in a drying vessel does not complete the operation — the dry solids must be removed from the vessel.…
This one-page reference describes how to measure the capability of a given centrifuge to separate solids from a liquid phase. G-force The centrifugal force developed by a centrifuge is expressed as a multiple of the force of gravity. This force,…
Controlling and reducing particulate matter pollution from industrial operations is a key environmental and human health objective. In chemical process industries (CPI) facilities, airborne particulate matter can result from combustion of fuels, or from process operations, such as dust from…
Agglomeration converts fine powder particles into larger ones by introducing external forces. Major benefits for solids processors include dust reduction, easier handling, more complete utilization of raw materials and densification. Agglomerating particles happens by a variety of means, including mixing…
Among the key benefits offered by pneumatically conveying bulk solids is the ability to route materials around obstructions in the plant using bends in the pipeline. However, these changes in direction involve a considerable number of particle impacts on the…
Selecting the best air mover for a bulk-solids pneumatic-conveying application is a critical design decision. Provided here is information on three classes of air movers when dilute-phase pneumatic conveying is required In a typical bulk-solids pneumatic-conveying system, an air mover…
September 2019 Booklist: The following recently published titles may be relevant to various sectors of the chemical process industries (CPI) Clean Ironmaking and Steelmaking Processes: Efficient Technologies for Greenhouse Emissions Abatement. By Pascuale Cavaliere, Springer International Publishing, 2019, 596 pages,…
To avoid problems with solids flow in bins and hoppers, the friction between the equipment walls and the flowing solids is an important factor to understand. Provided here is a review of flow patterns in bins and hoppers, and practical…
Tumble-growth agglomeration can reduce dust in solids-handling processes. Here’s how it works Handling and processing bulk solids appears in nearly every industrial sector, from energy to agriculture. Dust is a ubiquitous and challenging issue when working with bulk solids, because…
The following list is a selection of recently published books with relevance for the chemical process industries (CPI), July 2019 Guidelines for Investigating Process Safety Incidents, 3rd ed. By the Center for Chemical Process Safety, Wiley/AIChE Publishing, 2019, 408 pages,…