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Solids Handling

Facts At Your Fingertips: Hopper Outlet Geometry and Arching

When transferring stored bulk-solids materials from hoppers, bins and silos, flow stoppage can occur because of bridging or arching at the vessel outlet. Hopper outlets must be large enough to prevent cohesive arches or stable ratholes from developing. Determining the…

PEMA and Kansas St. University Bulk Solids Innovation Center form partnership

The Process Equipment Manufacturers’ Association (PEMA; Falls Church, Va.; and the Bulk Solids Innovation Center (BSIC; at Kansas State University today announced the establishment of a partnership. “PEMA members will have access to unique educational, consulting and testing…

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Reliable and Cost-Effective Solids Feeding

A holistic approach to bulk-solids-feeding installations can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of operations involving solids handling Many chemical processes involve the extraction of bulk solid materials at a controlled rate from a storage vessel for delivery into the process.…

CPI Bookshelf: September 2020

The following is a list of recently published books with relevance to the chemical process industries (CPI): Trevor Kletz Compendium: How his Best Process Stories are Still Relevant Today. Andy Brazier, Fiona MacLeod, David Edwards and others, Elsevier Press, 2020,…

FOG separation technology expands to new application areas

Fats, oil and grease (FOG) waste can create environmental problems for water-treatment and sewage systems, but can be a potential resource if collected and separated efficiently. A technology originally developed by Downey Ridge Environmental Co. (Lansing, W.Va.; to separate…

Facts at your Fingertips: Cyclone Separators

Removing solids from a stream of air or other gases is an important operation across virtually all sectors of the chemical process industries (CPI). In many cases, gas-solid separation is motivated by the need to reduce environmental impact and health…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: July 2020

The following recently published books may be of interest to chemical process industries (CPI) professionals: Smart Manufacturing: Applications and Case Studies. Edited by Masoud Soroush, Michael Baldea and Thomas Edgar, Elsevier Press, 2020, 525 pages, $200.00. Analytical Design of PID…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Nucleation Phenomena in Crystallization

Industrial crystallization processes are widely used in the chemical process industries (CPI) for their ability to separate and purify products in a single step, often to greater than 99.9% purity. Crystal growth proceeds after nucleation, a molecular aggregation process whereby…

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Principles of Agglomeration: Pelletizing Processes

Pelletizing, a tumble-growth agglomeration process, offers many potential benefits to processors handling bulk solid materials. This article provides an overview of how agglomerate pelletizing works and the important elements that must be considered Pelletizing, a form of agglomeration (particle size…

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Improving Bulk-Solids Conveyor Maintenance

Designing easier access to mechanical components in solids-conveying systems reduces maintenance costs and improves safety Virtually every vehicle on the road today is designed with an engine hood that can be easily opened for access to the engine, so mechanics…