Better qualitative and quantitative understanding of the mechanisms of particle breakage at the level of the particles, the bulk material and the equipment helps minimize the risk, uncertainties and impact of particle attrition in solids processing operations Unwanted breakage, degradation…
Attention to the design of bulk-solids pneumatic-conveying pipelines can help avoid conveying-system problems, such as low conveying rates, plugging, excessive wear-and-tear in the conveying line, high conveying-system pressure drop, product breakage, fines generation and product cross-contamination. This one-page reference provides…
Special considerations must be made for loading expensive solid catalyst materials into fixed-bed and tubular reactors Most units in the chemical process industries (CPI) use complex and expensive heterogeneous catalysts aimed at improving reaction performance. Although sometimes overlooked, the solids-handling…
Physical adsorption phenomena play a critical role in many separation and purification processes, including separations of industrial gases, purification of gases, moisture removal from fluids, water purification and others. Adsorption is a surface phenomenon in which a fluid (gas or…
Managing the risk from combustible dust explosions involves a number of strategies for preventing explosions, as well as isolating, venting and suppressing explosions if they occur. Complying with applicable NFPA standards is a pathway toward minimizing risk Combustible dust explosions…
The National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA; Quincy, Mass.; NFPA 652 (Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust) creates a single, unified combustible-dust standard that applies to “all facilities and operations that manufacture, process, blend, convey, repackage, generate, or handle…
The following recently published books may have relevance to various sectors of the chemical process industries (CPI). Driving Continuous Process Safety Improvement from Investigated Incidents. By the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), Wiley Publishing, 2021, 288 pages, $140.00. Industry…
Last month, Amarillo Gold Corp. (Toronto, Canada; selected Metso Outotec’s (Helsinki, Finland; modular FIT Station for its Posse Gold greenfield mining project in the state of Goiás in central Brazil. This will be the first commercial installation of…
To maximize the service life and reliability of rotary dryers for solid materials, adhere to this set of practices Rotary dryers have a well-deserved reputation for reliability, often providing decades of trouble-free operation in solids-handling processes. As with any type…
The following is a list of recently published books of potential interest for CPI professionals Digital Transformation for the Process Industries: A Roadmap. By Osvaldo Bascur and PJ O’Rourke, CRC Press, 2021, 320 pages, $130.00. Data Science in Chemistry:…