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Solids Handling

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Rotary Drying: Developing a Process in a Test Setting

Testing not only illustrates proof of process and provides other critical assurances, but it also reveals the parameters necessary to reliably yield consistent results Drying is an integral tool in pretreating and finishing bulk solids, which helps producers to meet…

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Conveyor Selection for Bulk Solids Processes

Use this guide to aid the selection of conveying technologies for applications in powder and bulk solids handling Many sectors of the chemical process industries (CPI) — including chemicals, plastics, batteries, mining, power generation, plastics, food, agriculture, pharmaceuticals and others…

Six Steps to Designing a Storage Vessel That Really Works

Designing a storage vessel for your plant requires a methodical approach. This article outlines six steps to follow in designing, installing and starting up a storage vessel that successfully handles your bulk material under your operating conditions. Have you experienced…

Controlling Particle Characteristics with Agglomeration

Solids-handling processes and downstream process steps can benefit greatly from carefully controlled particle characteristics. Presented here is guidance on how agitation agglomeration techniques can achieve desired particle properties Throughout the diverse sectors of the chemical process industries (CPI), the ability…

Refining Powder-Testing Practices

A rigorous and structured approach to determining the potential value of powder testing techniques in solids-handling applications can improve powder characterization and processing Many chemical process industries (CPI) sectors face growing pressure to measure and control powder properties more effectively,…

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Facts At Your Fingertips: Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container (FIBC) Basics

Flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs), sometimes known as bulk bags, are widely used in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture and other chemical process industries (CPI) sectors, to transport and store dry, flowable bulk-solid materials, such as granules, powders, grains, clays,…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: November 2021

The following is a list of recently published books with relevance to various parts of the chemical process industries (CPI) Biodiesel Technology and Applications. Edited by Inamuddin, Mohd Imran Ahamed, Rajender Boddula and Mashallah Rezakazemi, Wiley & Sons Publishing Ltd.,…

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Understanding Attrition in Solids Processing

Better qualitative and quantitative understanding of the mechanisms of particle breakage at the level of the particles, the bulk material and the equipment helps minimize the risk, uncertainties and impact of particle attrition in solids processing operations Unwanted breakage, degradation…

Facts At Your Fingertips: Design Considerations for Pneumatic Conveying

Attention to the design of bulk-solids pneumatic-conveying pipelines can help avoid conveying-system problems, such as low conveying rates, plugging, excessive wear-and-tear in the conveying line, high conveying-system pressure drop, product breakage, fines generation and product cross-contamination. This one-page reference provides…

Considerations for Solid Catalyst Loading

Special considerations must be made for loading expensive solid catalyst materials into fixed-bed and tubular reactors Most units in the chemical process industries (CPI) use complex and expensive heterogeneous catalysts aimed at improving reaction performance. Although sometimes overlooked, the solids-handling…