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Solids Handling

Observing particle concentrations and velocities inside a fluidized bed

Fluidized beds are used in a variety of industries for combustion, drying, catalytic cracking and other processes. However, the process that occurs inside a fluidized bed is extremely complex and — due to a lack of effective measurement techniques —…

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Impact of Particle-Size Control on Bulk-Solids Flow Behavior

Crushing and screening of solids are essential to many solids-handling processes, but engineers must be mindful about how those actions will affect flow behavior of the bulk material When it comes to processing bulk solids, (particle) size matters. Almost all…

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Facts At Your Fingertips: Standard Masses for Calibration of Weighing Instruments

 Accurately and efficiently weighing raw materials and reagents is a key part of many chemical processes, research projects and laboratory analysis. Poor weighing accuracy can contribute to lost revenue, increased labor costs and lower product quality. Calibration of weighing instruments…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: July 2023

The following is a list of recently published books that may be relevant to professionals in the chemical process industries (CPI).  Turquoise Hydrogen: An Effective Pathway to Decarbonization and Value Added Carbon Materials. Edited by Matteo Pelucchi and Matteo Maestri,…

Bulk Solids Centers Support Research and Education

Bulk-solids handling is a critical aspect of many product manufacturing processes throughout the CPI, but the field is often underappreciated. Research centers that specialize in bulk-solids handling and particle technology are important resources for expanding knowledge and solving technical challenges…

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Pneumatic Conveying Basics

Pneumatic conveying is a versatile method for transporting powders and other solid materials within chemical process plants. Success depends on understanding science and applying specific experience Undergraduate engineering programs include little instruction about powder handling. While there may be some…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Air-Moving Equipment for Pneumatic Conveying

In a typical bulk-solids pneumatic-conveying system, an air mover is used to generate the necessary air flowrate and pressure required to transport a solid material through a pipeline at a given rate. This one-page reference discusses the operating mechanisms and…

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Monitoring and Control Improves Dust Handling

As dust collection becomes an integral part of chemical processes, monitoring and other technologies promote efficiency and performance Dust control has always been important in the chemical process industries (CPI) due to the often toxic and combustible nature of the…

Milling in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Milling active ingredients combines equipment selection, material characterization, and process characterization, with the aim of improving and controlling the properties of the solid crystalline drug substance. These topics are discussed here Milling is a common technique used for the reduction…

This particle sensor exploits quantum effects for real-time process optimization

Last month at Achema 2022 (August 22–26; Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Q.ANT GmbH (Stuttgart, Germany; introduced what is said to be the world’s first industrial-grade quantum sensor (photo) for particle analysis. By the use of super-fast software, electronics and…