A line of fluoropolymer strainers with Tri-Clamp connections is now available for ease of removal and cleaning. Available in both PTFE and Kynar PVDF, the product line encompasses both Y-strainers in nominal pipe size up to 4 in. and basket…
Herbold Meckesheim A new series of slow-running granulators is now available in two sizes: HGM 60/100 and HGM 60/145. The so-called Hog shredder (HGM; photo) is a single-rotor, size-reduction machine that combines the advantages of a granulator (size-reduction by knife…
Quadro Engineering The FlexSift S10 (photo) is said to enable higher capacities and better product flow than conventional sifters because of its ability to screen, delump and discharge solids without the need for feeder equipment.Constructed with minimum number of parts,…
With the Flender EMPP vertical-mill drive, this firm has developed a drive concept that prevents load surges arising from short power supply interruptions and optimizes the transfer of forces between the drive unit and the mill. The number of components…
Flexicon A combination bulk bag and manual dump batching system (photo) weighs bulk materials that are discharged from bulk bags or manually dumped from sacks, boxes and other containers, and empties the batch into mobile storage bins. The sanitary system…
Schenck Process MechaTron Min (photo) is a gravimetric feeder with delivery rates between 0.1 and 10 kg/h, making it suitable for laboratory and test facility applications and for feeding mixers, mills and extruders. The unit features a…
RFID Components Harsh-Tag-80 (photo) provides a reliable solution in UHF band radio-frequency identification fields. Its design allows high reading performance, even over metallic objects. Typical applications include reusable plastic containers, wood or metal cages, pallets and unit-loading devices, vehicles and…
This firm’s latest feed system, PureFeed DP, is especially suitable for continuous, gravimetric feeding of tiny volumes of powder with manual refills. The technology used by the device allows for high-accuracy feeding of volumes between 20 g/h to 2 kg/h…
This firm has extended its Synus series of dynamic checkweighers with a new series of weighing products called CoSynus (photo), a combination of a metal detector and a checkweigher in one unit. With its modular design and wide range of…
Compound libraries are critical to pharmaceutical companies. Liquid handling for the dissolution of library compounds has been automated for many years, but the distribution and weighing of the original solid dry-stored library compound is still done manually. The Calli-L (photo)…