While NFPA 652 creates a general set of requirements for mitigating explosion hazards, equipment providers improve offerings to assist with compliance The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA; Washington, D.C.; www.nfpa.prg) recently released the first edition of NFPA 652 Standard on…
The capabilities of laser diffraction systems go beyond particle-size analysis to also predict a catalyst’s propensity to experience attrition Heterogeneous catalysts, where the catalyst is in solid form, enhance many of the gas- and liquid-phase reactions that underpin common operations…
How shear-cell testing provides a basis for predicting flow behavior Powder jams are the once-in-a-month catastrophe that can bring processing operations to a standstill. Whether it’s erratic flow behavior or complete stoppage of solids discharge, the consequence is the same.…
Modern powder-testing methods can offer valuable insights into bulk material behavior and lead to efficient powder-processing solutions Process simulation is a powerful tool for engineers in the chemical process industries (CPI) and one that plays an important role in commercializing…
Accurate measurements of exposures to aerosols and dusts by plant personnel can be tricky. Here is some help for determining exposures and addressing uncertainties Uncontrolled aerosols (defined as suspensions of fine solid or liquid particles in gaseous media) in the…
Material- and energy-balance models can help to identify potential opportunities The processing of mined minerals in aboveground facilities relies on several energy- intensive unit operations, such as comminution, screening and material transport. Crushing operations typically produce a wide distribution of…
Despite their apparent simplicity, the complexity of these conveying systems demands proper design and an understanding of the underlying principles Screw conveyors play a major role in a wide variety of industrial operations that involve the handling of bulk solids.…
Malvern Instruments The new Zetasizer NanoSampler is a versatile, compact, fully automated sample delivery system for this company’s Zetasizer Nano, which is used for nanoparticle and colloid characterization. Delivering precise and reproducible automated sample loading, and accommodating up to 96…
Hosokawa Alpine This company has extended its pico line series with the launch of the pico cont, for small-batch size reduction with containment. In the pico cont system, the established pico line platform was replaced by an isolator housing made…
Numerous strategies and options for both dilute- and dense-phase conveying systems are presented here Pneumatic conveying is a ubiquitous mode of conveying bulk solids in a wide range of industries, including chemicals, plastics, grain, food, agricultural, mining, power and…