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Separation Processes

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A Primer on Spray Drying

An understanding of the basic information presented here will help you produce powdered products with desired characteristics, while operating the drying plant safely and with minimum energy   This photo shows a spray dryer with a heat recuperator. The plant…

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Estimating the Total Cost of Cartridge and Bag Filtration

Bag filters for industrial applications have been in existence longer and are considered by some to be easier and simpler to specify than cartridges for a filtration project. And although cartridge filtration is now one of the mostly widely used…

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Making fine particles of inhalable drugs

A team from the School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, at the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia;, has developed a process for the micronization of insulin called Arise (Atomized Rapid Injection for Solvent Extraction). According to BioParticle…

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Successful adsorber design requires information about certain adsorbent properties, including: adsorbent densities and void fractions; isotherms or other equilibrium data; and data on mass-transfer kinetics and fixed-bed dynamics. Here, these adsorbent properties are explained, along with corresponding equations. Densities and…

Separation: More, More, More

“When you improve the efficiency or capacity of a product, it almost always can be used to improve the process economics with respect to investment costs or operating costs,” says Mark Pilling, manager of technology with Sulzer Chemtech (Tulsa, Okla.).…

Advanced Membrane Technologies and Applications, reviewed by Peter S. Cartwright

Advanced Membrane Technologies and Applications Edited by Norman N. Li. Wiley. 111 River St., Hoboken, NJ 07030. Web: 2008. 994 pages. $150.00. Reviewed by Peter S. Cartwright, Cartwright Consulting Co., Minneapolis, Minn. The crossflow-pressure-driven membrane separation technologies of microfiltration,…

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Scaleup is set for an air-separation membrane

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, Palo Alto, Calif.; has signed an agreement with Air Products (Allentown, Penn.; to support the company’s development of a ceramic ion transport membrane (ITM) for air separation. The membrane is being tested…

Dry Tray Pressure Drop Of Sieve Trays

A new correlation that matches most commercial trays The sieve tray has been in the distillation market place for many decades. It has been used extensively in distillation columns worldwide as a highly efficient vapor-liquid-contacting device. Many people have examined…

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Chementator: This new crystallizer reduces damage to larger crystals

With the exception of Oslo-type crystallizers, the main commercial crystallizers are agitated systems that use an agitator [agitated tank or draft-tube baffle (DTB)] or a circulation pump [forced circulation (FC) crystallizers]. In such systems, however, large crystals become damaged by…

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Reduce process consumables with this new separator

Aqueous Recovery Resources, Inc. (ARR; Bedford Hill, NY;, has developed the Suparator, an oil/water separation system that involves no moving parts or media, for low operational costs and minimal maintenance. The separator (diagram) is based on the Bernoulli effect,…