This paper discusses critical safety and efficiency challenges in drying operations, introduces the CO.Pilot, and shows how this system can enhance both safety and efficiency resulting in a true return on investment.
The Batch Column in CHEMCAD is a powerful unit operation that allows the fast, simple, and reliable estimation of the feasibility of a batch distillation process. Whether you're designing a new column, developing new separation processes in existing columns, optimizing…
A portfolio of instruments is required to effectively manage the lifecycle costs of heat exchangers. The operation and maintenance of heat exchangers accounts for a significant proportion of the capital and maintenance expenditure of chemical and petrochemical plants. While minimal…
Absorption and stripping are important mass-transfer operations within the chemical process industries (CPI). This one-page reference provides some basic information on the principles and applications of stripping and absorption in industrial chemistry settings. General operation In absorption, a solute from…
Designing a proton-exchange membrane that will balance the efficiency, durability and safety requirements for hydrogen production requires careful consideration of materials and chemistry Among the ongoing efforts to curb climate change, researchers are actively pursuing the further development of water…
Presented here is the progress and resolution of a troubleshooting case involving a distillation column with a capacity reduction problem Troubleshooting distillation columns during operation is often the key to stable production at industrial facilities. The collection of troubleshooting references…
Weeping and flooding phenomena set the vapor velocity in industrial distillation columns. Presented here are procedures for calculating flooding and weeping velocities in a four-pass sieve-tray column In industrial distillation, the term “weeping” is primarily used when the liquid in…
Henry Kister shares lessons learned from troubleshooting distillation towers This conversation started in a course I was presenting in Sydney, Australia. I was about 15 minutes into my presentation when a delegate from a major petroleum refinery stopped me. “How…
Eighty years ago, in 1944, Dr. Hans Müller from Winterthur, Switzerland filed a patent application for a device designed to process liquid substances at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property in Bern. Liquids prone to fouling on heated surfaces,…
Sealed and gas-purged decanter-centrifuge systems can be effective for separating Class I, Div. 1-, or Class I, Div. 2-rated solvents and hazardous materials Traditionally, solids and liquids have been separated by filtration or with press equipment. While these methods are…