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Processing & Handling

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Renewable surfactant can replace solvents for cleaning

A nonionic surfactant that is derived from renewable chemicals can outperform common solvents in a range of applications, including industrial cleaning, adhesive removal, degreasing, paint and coating removal, and others. The molecule (N,N-dimethyl-9-decenamide), marketed as Steposol MET-10U, is the first…

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Demonstration of a new CO2-methanation process

The first phase of a study on the feasibility of producing methane from CO2 has been completed by Hitachi Zosen Corp. (Tokyo; and Daiki Ataka Engineering Co. (Daiki Ataka) a subsidy of Hitachi Zosen, in collaboration with PTT Exploring…

Member Exclusive

The launch of a new bioethylene-production process

Last month, a new bioethanol-dehydration process was introduced by its developers Axens (, IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN; both Rueil-Malmaison, France; and Total Refining & Chemicals (Brussels, Belgium; Tradenamed Atol, the process is said to be the most profitable…

Member Exclusive

Centrifugal Pump Maintenance

Optimal functioning of centrifugal pumps over time depends on sound maintenance practices. The following material represents tips and guidelines for routine preventive and protective maintenance for centrifugal pumps. Monitoring A basic maintenance routine for centrifugal pumps should include monitoring of…

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Tight-oil Tightrope for U.S. Refiners

North American production of crude oil, driven by a rapid increase in output of “tight oil” from U.S. shale deposits like Bakken and Eagle Ford, is surging. In many, but not all areas, petroleum refiners are incorporating an increasing amount…

Member Exclusive

First in-situ refractive-index sensor for bioreactor monitoring

Process monitoring in biotechnology processes is critical to maximizing product yield and optimizing nutrient consumption. Startup company Stratophase Ltd. (Romsey, U.K.; is now offering the first realtime, in-situ micro-optical sensor for monitoring and control of bioprocesses involving both microbes…

Member Exclusive

A new class of polymers that utilize CO2

A new plastic made from CO2 and butadiene has been synthesized by Kyoko Nozaki and her research group at the University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan; Although butadiene is already produced on a large scale for making synthetic rubber, it…

Member Exclusive

Biomass torrefaction plant undergoing expansion

A biomass torrefaction plant run by New Biomass Energy LLC (NBE; Quitman, Miss.; is currently undergoing an expansion that will increase its annual production capacity to 250,000 tons of torrefied wood product. The company expects the expansion to be…

Member Exclusive

A solid chelating ligand for making heterogeneous catalysts

Shinji Inagaki and colleagues at Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc. (Nagakute City, Japan; have synthesized an entirely new immobilization support that can be used to recycle and reuse metalo-organic-complex catalysts, which are widely used for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals…

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CO2-utilizing electrocatalytic reaction cell demonstrated

Production of monoethylene glycol (MEG) from waste carbon dioxide has been validated in a demonstration-scale reaction cell developed by Liquid Light Corp. (Monmouth Junction, N.J.; The company says the catalytic-electrochemistry-technology platform used to make MEG can also produce a…