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Synthesizing omega-3 lipids from waste gases and algae

A collaboration between LanzaTech (Skokie, Ill.; and the IOC-DBT Center for Advanced Bio-Energy Research (Faridabad, India; has led to a carbon-capturing process that synthesizes omega-3 lipids in algae. Via a continuous fermentation step that takes place in a…

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Refinery project combines upgrading with EOR and CCS

Construction has begun on a unique refinery project that will convert Canadian bitumen into ultralow-sulfur diesel while producing high-purity CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and subsequent carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). The project, located near Edmonton, Alta. and run…

Member Exclusive

Cut O2-production costs in half with this PSA technology

A high-temperature pressure-swing-absorption (HT-PSA) process that reduces energy consumption by up to 50% compared to conventional PSA technology is being developed by Tokyo Gas Co. (Tokyo, Japan;, with support from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).…

Member Exclusive

A new carrier for MBBR technology

Last month, Veolia Water Technologies (Birmingham, England; introduced a new generation of biofilm carriers for moving-bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs). Trade-named AnoxKaldness Z-MBBR, the new carrier is the result of two decades of development work, says the company. Unlike conventional…

Member Exclusive

Slash energy costs with this new electrowinning anode

The research group of Masatsugu Morimitsu at Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan; has developed an “evolutionary” electrowinning process for the production of rare and base metals that promises to reduce both the power consumption and environmental burden. The process features…

Member Exclusive

‘Clean power’ demo

Last month, NET Power, LLC (Durham, N.C.; announced the completion of major project agreements for its first-of-a-kind power plant — a 50-MWth demonstration plant that will validate the world’s first natural-gas power generation system that produces no air emissions,…

Member Exclusive

Making nanoparticles

Scientists from the Materials Science and Technology Div. of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (Washington, D.C.; have developed a one-step process to form oxide nanoparticles. The technique is capable of producing large quantities (10 g) of oxide nanoparticles —…

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Graphene surprise

Researchers from Monash University (Melbourne, Australia; have discovered that graphene-oxide sheets can change their structure and become liquid droplets spontaneously. Because graphene droplets change their structure in response to an applied magnetic field, they could be used for controlled…

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Ultrasound enzyme hydrolysis

Aiming to understand the nature of the synergistic effect of ultrasound and enzymes in the production of fermentable sugars from lignocellulosic biomass, researchers from the Institute of Chemical Technology (Mumbai, India; have studied the ultrasound-assisted enzymatic hydrolysis of waste…

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November Letters Facts at Your Fingertips: Forces Acting on a Gasket

This letter is in reference to the article, Forces Acting on a Gasket [ Chem. Eng. October, 2014, p. 32a]. I need to clear my understanding on the seating stress required for the proper sealing. As per the article, seating…