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Processing & Handling

Facts at Your Fingertips: Zeolites

The physical properties of zeolites make them extremely important in many industrial processes. This one-page reference provides information on the structure and chemistry of zeolites that allows their use in the chemical process industries (CPI). Zeolite structure Zeolites are a…

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Technology Profile: Urea Production from Ammonia via a Self-Stripping Process

This column is based on “Prilled Urea from Ammonia via Self-Stripping Process – Cost Analysis,” a report published by Intratec. It can be found at: Urea is a nitrogenous compound consisting of a carbonyl group attached to two amine…

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Activated Carbon: Fundamentals and New Applications

Activated carbon sorbents are important tools in water purification and air-pollution control. This article provides information on the fundamentals of this diverse sorbent and on new applications for which it is being employed Global sustainability trends are creating increased demand…

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A first commercial step towards on-site ammonia production

A new company — Tsubame BHB Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan; — has been established to commercialize the world’s first on-site production of ammonia for supplying amino-acid synthesis, fermentation materials and fertilizers. The company — a joint venture of Ajinomoto…

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Responsive coatings lead to stronger 3-D-printed parts

Additive manufacturing (3-D printing) has quickly gained popularity, due in part to its potential for rapidly creating customized parts. However, one inherent limitation of additive manufacturing — specifically the high-speed fused deposition modeling (FDM) technique — is the potential for…

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Electrostatic spray drying protects heat-sensitive products

A spray-drying technology that applies an electrical charge to feedstock as it exits the atomizing nozzle allows significant reductions in processing temperature and can eliminate downstream processing steps. The charge application can improve control over particle morphology, lengthen shelflife of…

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Storage Tanks: Heating and Cooling System Design

Various heating or cooling options are described here, along with the factors and design parameters that need to be considered. A sample calculation regarding coils is included Tanks constitute important equipment in the chemical process industries (CPI). Various types of…

Pump Selection Considerations

A number of factors need to be considered to properly size and specify a vacuum pump.  In some of our previous posts, we've discussed topics like how to determine the right flow rate for your new pump.  Considerations such as…

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Technology Profile: Sulfuric Acid Production from Sulfur

This column is based on “Sulfuric Acid Production from Sulfur via Double-Contact Process – Cost Analysis,” a report published by Intratec. It can be found at:  Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is among the most important industrial chemicals, with large-scale uses…

VAC 24seven – Dry, Oil-free Alternative for Central Vacuum Pumps

Central vacuum systems often rely on resource-hungry pump technology like oil-sealed rotary vane or liquid (water) ring pumps.  Both of these pump technologies rely on fluid to create a seal and generate vacuum.  Replacing the sealing fluid imposes significant operating…