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Facts At Your Fingertips: Continuous Tubular Reactors with Static Mixing Elements

Batch manufacturing methods are common throughout the chemical process industries (CPI) for specialized compounds and reactions. However, typical batch-wise manufacturing processes are often time-consuming due to large volumes and long loading and unloading times added to the batch processing time,…

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Selecting Industrial Gas Suppliers: Consider Integration Synergies

Engineering teams at operating companies can help maximize the value of industrial gas supplies by optimizing the requirements of the gas supplier with the chemical producer The industrial gas (IG) industry has been around for decades, with some IG suppliers…

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Modern Fermentation and Fermenter Design

With the growth of ‘white biotechnology,’ industrial fermentation processes and large-scale fermenters will play a key role. Presented here are some design considerations In fermentation, microorganisms, animal and plant cells are used to produce chemical compounds. Enzymes, pharmaceutical ingredients, amino…

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Production and Demand Challenges for ‘Green’ Hydrogen

Burgeoning demand for hydrogen to support decarbonization goals is straining existing supply chains for industrial gases and prompting companies to adapt quickly to the emerging net-zero-carbon economy The increasing use of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier is causing a…

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Selecting Mixing Impellers

Presented here is a brief overview of the considerations involved in matching the right impeller with a given application Matching the right mixing equipment to the material properties and desired process outcome for any liquid-mixing application is the key to…

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Chementator Briefs

CO2 liquefaction Last month, Linde Engineering (Pullach, Germany; signed a contract with Yara International ASA (Oslo, Norway; to build a world-scale carbon dioxide liquefaction plant in Sluiskil, the Netherlands. The Sluiskil project forms a key part of Yara’s…

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Completely recycled viscose for the first time

Researchers at Lund University (Sweden; have succeeded in converting worn-out cotton sheets into new viscose fibers using a process that — for the first time — enables all of the viscose to be recycled. Current recycling methods often require…

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Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer boosts interfacial adhesion and recyclability

The high strength-to-weight ratio and robust mechanical properties of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs) make them attractive for use in wind-power turbine blades, automobile components, and in airplanes and spacecraft. However, challenges — such as weak interfacial adhesion and poor recyclability —…

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Another step forward for new technologies for ammonia synthesis

In late February, Yokogawa Electric Corp. (Toyko; announced that it has invested in and signed a memorandum on a business partnership with Tsubame BHB Co., Ltd. (Yokohama, Japan; Yokogawa is the latest to partner with Tsubame BHB, joining…

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Membrane-free water electrolysis

Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden; have developed a way to decouple the production of hydrogen and oxygen in water electrolysis, thereby reducing the explosion potential of mixing the two gases. The method, described in a…