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Processing & Handling

Member Exclusive

Efficiency in Pneumatic-Conveying Air Filters

Paying closer attention to the air-filtration systems of pneumatic conveying operations can avoid losses in efficiency in compressed-air usage during filter cleaning The inefficient use of compressed air in solids-handling processes, such as pneumatic conveying, can waste a significant amount…

Minimizing Risk for Combustible Dust Explosions

By focusing on ignition sources, such as static discharges, and housekeeping, facilities handling solids can minimize their risk for combustible dust explosions Dust explosions in industrial facilities can cause injuries, destruction of property, and — as history will attest —…

Minimizing Corrosion with Fast, Robust Gas Analysis

Corrosion can never be totally stopped, but significantly slowing its progress can be achieved if analyzers rapidly detect out-of-spec conditions. For a prominent European chemical company, switching from slow electrolytic sensors to almost real-time moisture analysis has made a significant…

Lower Measurement Point Costs with Automatic pH Sensor Cleaning

Process conditions in chemical production are often challenging for in-line instrumentation. EasyClean™ 200 e is a robust and automated sensor cleaning system that helps keep pH probes operating at their best, and can increase their lifetime by more than 30…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: May 2019

The following titles are selected recently published books relevant for professionals in the chemical process industries (CPI) . . . Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Drug Product Design, Development, and Modeling 2nd ed. Edited by Mary Am Ende, and David…

Member Exclusive

Impinging jet mixers are applied to bio-crude harvesting from algae

Microalgae have been investigated as a source of “bio-crude” — fatty acid molecules (lipids) that can be refined into renewable transportation fuels — but harvesting lipids from the algae cells economically remains the most challenging and energy-intensive step in the…

Member Exclusive

A low-temperature catalyst for dry methane reforming

A catalyst that performs low-temperature reforming of methane with carbon dioxide (dry methane reforming) into synthesis gas (syngas) has been developed by Japanese researchers, led by Hideki Abe at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS, Tsukuba City,, in…

Member Exclusive

Enzyme engineering enables bio-based hydrogen peroxide

Borne out of a cancer research project at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge;, a new enzymatic process technology can co-produce gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide without the safety risks and complexity of typical large-scale peroxide-manufacturing processes. Solugen Inc. (Houston;…

Member Exclusive

Protecting oxidation-prone materials with a crust of salt

High-temperature synthesis of ceramics and other materials normally requires a cost-intensive inerting atmosphere to prevent oxidation. Now, researchers from Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany; have developed a process — the molten salt shielded synthesis/sintering (MS3) process — that used molten salts…

U.S. Refining Industry Reckons with Uncertain Energy Future

Many indicators point to current success and prosperity for U.S. petroleum refineries, but simultaneously, the industry is facing a future of massive changes in energy and transportation By many measures, the U.S. petroleum-refining industry is succeeding and prospering. According to…