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Processing & Handling

Making ‘green’ methanol from steel-mill gases

A process that produces methanol from the gases generated at a steel mill will soon be field tested. The process has been under development for the last five years by researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy…

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Chementator briefs

Enzymes in a Cage Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT; Germany; have embedded enzymes into metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), and demonstrated for the first time that stabilization by these frameworks is sufficient for use of the enzymes in…

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Phosphine-based ligand now available on the kilogram scale

Sinocompound Catalysts Co., Ltd. (Zhangjiagang, China; says it is now producing the phosphine-based QPhos ligand in kilogram quantities for commercial use. With this ligand now accessible on a large scale, scientists across the globe can incorporate QPhos-based catalysts into…

A Taste of Foods to Come

Biotechnology plays a key role in sustainably feeding a growing global population How are we going to feed 10 billion people using 35% less land by 2050? This was the question posed by Ian Roberts, chief technology officer at Bühler…

Technology Profile: Production of EPDM Rubber

Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber is a terpolymer elastomer derived from ethylene and propylene, along with small amounts of a non-conjugated diene as a third monomer (Figure 1). With a completely saturated polymer backbone, this random elastomeric copolymer exhibits…

CPI Booklist for March 2022

March 2022: The following is a list of recently published books that may be of interest to professionals in the chemical process industries (CPI) Overpressure Protection in the Process Industry: A Critical View. By Marc Hellemans, Elsevier Press, 2022, 396…

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Chementator Briefs

2D polymer Chemical engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT; Cambridge; have synthesized two-dimensional sheets of polyaramide. The achievement, described in a February issue of Nature, is said to be the first time a polymer has been grown…

Solar clinker produced for the first time

Last month, Cemex, S.A.B. de C.V. (Cemex; Monterrey, Mexico; and Synhelion SA (Lugano, Switzerland; successfully connected the clinker production process with the Synhelion solar receiver to produce solar clinker. The milestone is a first step towards fully solar-driven…

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A new catalyst for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane

Converting propane to propylene by oxidative dehydrogenation with CO2 is an alternative route to conventional propane dehydrogenation, but existing catalysts for this conversion are not very efficient. Now, in a study described in a recent issue of Nature Catalysis, researchers…

PFAS destruction using supercritical water

The presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in wastewater and groundwater has garnered increased attention as a health and environmental issue because of their recalcitrance and bioaccumulation. To complement existing PFAS separation technologies, the Battelle Memorial Institute (Columbus, Ohio;…