Nanotechnology, in the form of nanomaterials, is already a significant business for the chemical process industries (CPI). One recent study says that this year’s global nanotechnology market is worth more than $10 billion, of which 86% is attributable…
Professor Suppes received the Academic Award (see item above) for developing a process to convert glycerin - a byproduct of biodiesel production - into propylene glycol, which can replace ethylene glycol in automobile antifreeze. Suppes' developed a new copper chromite…
Eliminate contamination with these drive sockets Designed for sterile and critical environment applications, these 1/4-in. drive stainless-steel deep sockets (photo) are manufactured entirely from 17-4PH stainless steel, so no chrome plating is required on the surface. The risk…
Researchers at CSIRO Exploration and Mining (Kensington, Australia; have discovered that a bacterium, called Ralstonia metallidurans, may be responsible for the formation of secondary gold grains in nature. Cultures of the R. metallidurans - identified, using molecular biology techniques,…
Two chemicals producers have recently reaped the benefits of high-throughput-screening technologies, through research collaborations with Symyx Technologies, Inc. (Santa Clara, Calif.; In April, Celanese Corp. (Dallas, Tex.) deployed a new catalyst at one of its vinyl acetate plants. The…
Intelligent selection and specification help to assure getting representative, uncontaminated samples from multiple process lines to a shared analyzer Process engineers rely heavily on analytical instrumentation to ensure product quality. Properly designed systems help prevent contaminated fluids and gases from…
In the pharmaceutical, biotech and food processing industries, ingredients are transported, mixed, heated and cooled assuming the assurance of product purity required by lawmakers and taken for granted by consumers. Integral to the design of fluid-handling systems that…
In widespread use throughout chemical process plants, centrifugal pumps are often employed (and taken for granted) in severe service conditions. Consequently, it is hardly surprising that problems can arise during their operation. A major difficulty facing the chemical…
Merck (see item above) received the Greener Synthetic Pathways Award for discovering a catalytic synthesis for sitagliptin (a chiral β-amino acid derivative), an active ingredient for the company's new treatment for type 2 diabetes, Junuvia. The synthesis generates 220 pounds…
Trends in the worldwide chemical process industries, especially a steep rise in the compression and liquefaction of gases to lower the costs of their storage and transportation, have heightened the engineer's need to have a working familiarity with…