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Processing & Handling

New electrolysis technology scaled up for Shanghai’s integrated-petrochemical complex

Construction is underway on what is said to be the world's largest hydrogen chloride recycling plant, for Bayer MaterialScience AG (BMS; Leverkusen, Germany; When the unit starts up in 2008 at the Shanghai, China site, it will produce 215,000…

A new catalyst proves itself in first commercial application

Since February, Lonza Singapore Pte. Ltd. has been using a new I-400 catalyst in a Isomar unit at its Singapore plant, which produces pure isophthalic acid (an intermediate for making resins). The I-400 catalyst was developed by UOP LLC (Des…

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Ti powder

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Arlington, Va.) has awarded $5.7 million to a two-company consortium to develop an inexpensive and energy-efficient process for making titanium metal powder. Such powders can be used to make strong, lightweight objects, such…

Chiral catalyst

Chemists at Boston College (Chestnut Hill, Mass.; have discovered a silylation catalyst that attaches a silicon atom to an alcohol group not only with high selectivity, but also in such a way that only one enantiomer is formed. Silyation…

Poplar’s code  

Researchers from 34 institutions from around the world have completed the first DNA sequence for a tree, the black cottonwood or Populus trichocarpa (poplar). This poplar's rapid growth and relatively compact genome size (480 million nucleotide units, or 1/40th as…

Hot enzymes

Plant physiologist Cynthia Henson and colleagues at the ARS Cereal Crops Research Unit (Madison, Wisc.; have designed three thermophilic barley enzymes, which perform exceptionally well at around 70°C. As a result, the enzymes can yield up to 30% more…

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Specifying CPVC In Chemical Process Environments  

    Since its introduction to the market in 1959, chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (better known as CPVC) has proven suitable for use in a wide variety of chemical process environments. Because it is inert to most mineral acids, bases, salts…


    This versatile pump is a compact contortionist   The E8 3/8-in. Mini-Matic pump (photo) weighs just 3 lb but can pump as much as 6.8 gal/min and deliver pressures up to 100 psi. It can be mounted upright,…

Coming soon, a new family of nanocomposites

Next year, DuPont (Wilmington, Del.; plans to introduce a new family of thermoplastic nanocomposites that yield “substantial improvements” in key, desirable properties. With proper dispersion in a polymer, small amounts of a naturally occurring material form nanoscale reinforcement structures…

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Activated carbon

ADA-ES, Inc. (Littleton, Colo.; has been awarded a contract from the U.S. DOE to develop an improved process for manufacturing activated carbon (AC). AC is the key chemical used in ADA-ES’s mercury-control technology (CE, December 2004, p. 18) —…