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Facts At Your Fingertips: Liquid-Liquid Extraction Basics

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is a separation technique that exploits differences in the relative solubility of compounds of interest (the solute) in two immiscible liquids — most often an aqueous phase and an organic solvent. This one-page reference reviews basic information…

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Iridium-free electrolysis demonstrated for stable hydrogen production

The necessity for precious metals, such as iridium, in water-splitting catalysts is a major challenge in the feasibility of large-scale production of hydrogen using electrolysis. Now, a team of researchers from Rice University (Houston; has developed a mechanism for…

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Recycling halogens electrochemically

Next April, a six-year, €4-million project will begin that aims to develop an electrochemical process to recover halogens (chlorine, bromine and fluorine) from waste products. Funded as part of the CZS Breakthrough program of the Carl Zeiss Foundation (CZS; Heidenheim…

Chlorum Solutions uses thyssenkrupp nucera skid-mounted plant technology in Brazil

Chlorum Solutions LLC (São Paulo, Brazil) will use thyssenkrupp nucera AG & Co. KG (Dortmund, Germany) technology for its next two chlor-alkali plants in Brazil. The company has ordered two skid mounted plants with BM2.7 electrolysis technology from the supplier…

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This batch reactor saves time, energy, space and more

Batch reactors are widely used throughout the chemical process industries (CPI), and the basic design has not radically changed for many decades. Nevertheless, precise temperature control of batch processes continues to be a common problem. Now, a new design of…

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Selective production of MEG from CO2 in a single step

The startup company RenewCO2 (Piscataway, N.J.; has developed a catalyzed electrochemical process for selectively producing monoethylene glycol (MEG) in a single step using byproduct carbon dioxide from other processes as feedstock. MEG is important industrially because it is the…

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New method selectively extracts magnesium salt from seawater

Magnesium metal is important for several emerging potential sustainability-related applications, including carbon capture, low-carbon cement and energy storage. These potential applications are driving efforts to efficiently produce magnesium hydroxide, the raw material for manufacturing Mg metal. It is possible to…

Member Exclusive

World’s largest AEM electrolyzer launched in California

An emerging electrolyzer technology for renewable hydrogen production is the anion-exchange membrane (AEM), which provides efficiency and cost benefits over other electrolyzer configurations. Until now, most AEM installations have been small, as the membrane assemblies’ size and durability limited the…

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Chementator Briefs

Catalysts by AM In late September, BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany; introduced X3D, a new additive-manufacturing (AM; 3D printing) technology for shaping catalysts. Catalysts produced with this technology feature an open structure, resulting in a reduction of the pressure drop…

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Engineering duckweed to increase oil production

Scientists at the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL; Upton, N.Y.; and collaborators at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL; Laurel Hollow, N.Y.; have genetically engineered a strain of duckweed (Lemna japonica) to produce high yields of…