Honeywell Specialty Materials (Morristown, N.J.; has launched PowerShield PV325, a material that protects photovoltaic (PV) modules — including the critical components that convert sunlight into electricity — in all types of environments. The material is ultraviolet, moisture and weather…
One of the earliest applications for zirconium in the chemical process industries (CPI) is for sulfuric acid service. Used commonly during the manufacture of chemicals as a catalyst, dehydrating agent, absorbent, or an oxidizing or reducing agent, sulfuric acid is…
Compressed air is often referred to as the fourth utility, and yet for an upstart business or process there is no commercial infrastructure that provides a core supply as exists with gas, electricity and water. When a need for compressed…
Compressed air is your most expensive utility. This is a fact that has been documented time and time again. It takes 7 to 8 hp of electricity to produce 1 hp in an airtool. In many plants, the compressed air…
This sixth and final part of a series of articles [ 1 – 5] on piping for process plants discusses practical issues of leak testing and verification of piping systems. Read Part 5 here. Leak Testing Leak testing and pressure…
In Poorly Lubricated Conditions, Try this Diamond Seal... Over 50% of pump lifecycle costs result from energy and maintenance; and applying the low-wear and low-friction attributes of diamond to mechanical seals can yield significant energy savings for fluid pumps. Ultrananocrystalline…
A Pump Intended for Non-API Processes The Sunflo P-2500 high-pressure centrifugal pump features distinctions from previous models in the P-2000 Series including: upgraded seal-housing drain cavities, enhanced seal design, numerous seal flush plans, labyrinth gearbox seal, and heavy duty bearings…
At last month’s CosmoProf exhibition (April 10 – 14; Bologna, Italy), VMI-Rayneri (Montaigu, France; introduced a new vacuum-injection process for dispersing powder-like solids into liquids or pastes during the production of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food or other chemical products. Normally,…
Normally, only the ultraviolet (higher energy) component of the solar spectrum is usable for the photo-catalytic electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen, which takes place in photochemical cells with an anode made of single-crystalline, rutile-type titanium oxide and a…
Researchers at Oxford Catalysts Ltd. (Oxford, U.K.; have shown that the method of preparation — rather than the identity or combination of metals used — has the greatest influence on the performance of hydrodesulfurization (HDS) catalysts. The results of…