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Member Exclusive

Chementator: A new method for catalyst design  

A method for identifying less-expensive catalysts, compared to commercial, precious-metal-based ones, is starting to deliver results by researchers at the Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design, Dept. of Physics, Technical University of Denmark (CAMD; Lyngby; and their collaborators. The computer-aided…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: This graphene-based catalyst speeds cellulose saccrification, without H2SO4 waste  

In order to make ethanol from cellulose, the polysaccharide must first be broken down into sugars (saccharrified) that can be fermented. Normally, this hydrolysis reaction is catalyzed by sulfuric acid or enzymes. However, H2SO4 -based hydrolysis generates spent acid, which…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: Feed sugar to these bacteria and they’ll produce hydrogen  

Azotobacter are nitrogen-fixing bacteria that do a useful job in soil by converting N 2 to ammonia. As a side reaction they also produce hydrogen, most of which they oxidize for their own energy consumption. In a project of the…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: Improving leather  

Last month, Lanxess AG (Leverkusen, Germany; launched Levotan X-Cel, an polymer mixture based on expandable microcapsules, for retannage in leather processing. With a diameter of 5 – 20 µm, the microcapsules are small enough to penetrate into the collagen…

Focus On: Pipes & Fittings

Look here for an Easy, Sturdy Compressed-Air Piping System Newly available in 76- and 100-mm dia., SmartPipe is a modular, aluminum piping system boasting a low friction coefficient due to its smooth, calibrated construction. With its full-bore fittings and push-to-fit,…

Chementator: PSA may compete with cryogenics for helium production

Apilot plant that uses pressure swing adsorption (PSA) to extract helium from natural gas has been started up and is operating successfully in India at the Kuthalam Gas Collecting Station of Oil and Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC; Normally, helium…

Chementator: This bead mill is efficient at making nanodispersions

A new grinder that combines large-bead (0.3 – 0.5 mm) milling and ultrasound to produce nanodispersions with relatively high concentrations has been developed by Inoue Manufacturing Inc. (Isehara;, in cooperation with the National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS; Tsukuba,…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: A new F-T catalyst  

A new metal carbide F-T catalyst has been developed by Oxford Catalysts Limited (Oxford, U.K., for making second-generation biofuel in small-scale microchannel reactors. The catalyst was produced using the company’s patented organic matrix combustion method, which makes it possible…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: Microreactors

Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik BTS GmbH (EMB), a subsidiary of Bayer Technology Services GmbH (BTS; Leverkusen, Germany;, has signed a production-and-marketing agreement with Xytel Inc. (Spartanburg, S.C.; to introduce microreactor technology in pilot plants for the oil and gas, chemical…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: A New Process for Making Solar-Cell-Grade Silicon Slated for Commercialization  

Chisso Corp. (Tokyo, Japan; has established a new joint-venture (JV) company to produce solar grade silicon using a new process that was first developed by Chisso and subsequently refined, jointly, by the three JV partners: Chisso (50% share), Nippon…