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Processing & Handling

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Using gold to catalyze oxidation reactions

Polymer-supported nanoclusters of gold have recently been shown to catalyze the oxidation of alcohols to ketones at room temperature in air by the research group of chemistry professor Shu Kobayashi, University of Tokyo (, in a project supported by Japan…

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A less-expensive way to make platinum catalysts

The cost of producing platinum catalysts could be reduced by up to 90% by a process being developed jointly by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL, Livermore, Calif.; and Stanford University (Stanford, Calif.; The process involves the deposition of…

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This photocatalyst works with visible light

A photocatalyst that uses visible light to deodorize and disinfect air has been developed by Hiroshi Taoda at the Materials Research Institute for Sustainable Development, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Chubu, Nagoya, (AIST; Chubu, Nagoya, Japan;…

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Disperse Difficult Solids

Despite the immense value and universal appeal of these additives for product designers, process engineers facing the day-to-day reality of full-scale production face a unique set of challenges. Dispersing these powdered additives into a liquid is one of the most…

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Specialty Metals

One of the most important factors to consider when evaluating a specialty metal for use in valves, fittings and instrumentation is its corrosion resistance or corrosion rate of the metal in the target media. Each material discussed here has its…

Renewable Feedstocks: Trading Barrels for Bushels

With traditional petroleum-derived feedstocks facing relentless economic and environmental pressures, it’s no surprise that stakeholders throughout the chemical process industries (CPI) have been in hot pursuit of alternative routes for producing commodity and specialty chemicals and polymers from cheap, plentiful…

Focus On Pumps

A positive displacement alternative for syringe pumps Cheminert Models M6 and M50 liquid handling pumps (photo) are a new option for precision handling of liquids and gases, producing a bidirectional, pulseless flow with a range of over six orders of…

Gaskets and seals: Strengthening the Weakest Link

Figure 1.  Style 212-ULE valve stem packing is said to outperform engineered sets, meeting global emission standards Garlock Sealing Technologies Figure 2.  The EnDura family of seals was developed to cope with temperature extremes, increasing pressures and higher levels of…

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A shocking way to compress CO2

Compressing carbon dioxide captured from power plants to 1,500–2,200 psia for pipeline transmission or underground injection is a challenge that requires eight stages or more, using conventional compressors. A compressor that promises to do the job in two stages, for…

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Upgrading natural gas

  A process that produces hydrogen-enriched natural gas, with carbon black as a byproduct, is being developed by Atlantic Hydrogen Inc. (Fredericton NB, Canada; The company has piloted the process at a scale of 25 m3/h of natural gas…