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Processing & Handling

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U.S. power plant goes dry for handling bottom ash

Practically all of the coal-fired power plants in the U.S. collect ash from the bottoms of their boilers using a wet system — the ash falls into hoppers that are partially filled with water, and once or twice per shift…

A chemical-transfer hose for enhanced safety

Chemfluoro Convoflex WCSR Multipurpose Chemical Transfer Hose is designed for bulk-chemical transfers where corrosive chemicals, such as acids, may damage the stainless-steel braid commonly used as a cover on transfer hoses. The new hose is said to provide longer service…

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Waelz slag used in commercial ceramic bricks

Researchers from the University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain; have developed a process for incorporating Waelz slag into ceramic clay construction bricks, offering an alternative for disposal of the industrial byproduct. The engineers replaced between 20 and 30% of clay…

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This one-step route to cellulosic ethanol features a multitasking yeast

The research group of professor Akihiko Kondo at Kobe University (Kobe City, has developed a one-step, pretreatment process for making bioethanol from cellulose and lignocellulose. The process uses an ionic liquid — which converts cellulose into a gel —…

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Process for renewably sourced polyols licensed

A process for making polyols from soybean oil and glycerin has been licensed by its developer, Battelle (Columbus, Ohio;, to Emery Oleochemicals Americas (Cincinnati, Ohio;, who intends to produce the renewably sourced polyols at prices similar to those…

NACE-compliant check valves for high pressures

This new range of high-pressure check valves is constructed of corrosion-resistant materials that are compliant with the National Assn. of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) MR0175/ISO15156 standards, which makes them suitable for harsh-duty applications, such as chemical injection in oil-tool applications. The…

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Gas-Liquid Mixing: Physical Considerations

Gas-liquid reactors in the chemical process industries (CPI) have increasingly been designed to handle larger manufacturing scales. Since gas-liquid reactors can represent substantial capital and operating costs for the user, optimizing mixing and maximizing productivity are critical. The need for…

Single-use bioreactors for cell culture applications

UniVessel SU (photo) is a single-use bioreactor with 2-L working volume for small-scale protein expressions or process-optimization studies involving mammalian, insect and plant-cell cultures. The reactor is irradiated prior to delivery and is designed to the same safety standards required…

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A glass flow reactor is now available in ceramic

Last month, Corning SAS (Avon, France), a subsidiary of Corning Inc. (Corning, N.Y.;, introduced the Advanced-Flow G4 Ceramic Reactor — the latest addition to the company’s line of glass flow reactors. The G4 is made of sintered-ceramic fluidic modules…

Plastic transition fittings with metal threads

This company has launched new pipe transition fittings made of plastic with internal and external threads of metal. The transition fitting is sealed with an EPDM O-ring, which also protects against distortion and damage to the plastic during installation. The…