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Waelz slag used in commercial ceramic bricks

Researchers from the University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain; have developed a process for incorporating Waelz slag into ceramic clay construction bricks, offering an alternative for disposal of the industrial byproduct. The engineers replaced between 20 and 30% of clay…

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This one-step route to cellulosic ethanol features a multitasking yeast

The research group of professor Akihiko Kondo at Kobe University (Kobe City, has developed a one-step, pretreatment process for making bioethanol from cellulose and lignocellulose. The process uses an ionic liquid — which converts cellulose into a gel —…

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Process for renewably sourced polyols licensed

A process for making polyols from soybean oil and glycerin has been licensed by its developer, Battelle (Columbus, Ohio;, to Emery Oleochemicals Americas (Cincinnati, Ohio;, who intends to produce the renewably sourced polyols at prices similar to those…

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Lightweight diamond aerogel

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL; Livermore, Calif.; have created a nanocrystalline diamond aerogel. The new aerogel was produced by compressing a standard carbon-based aerogel precursor in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell, which consists of two opposing diamonds.…

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Rubber manufacturing process allows in-mold curing

Along with an innovative elastomeric compound, scientists at Federal Mogul Corp. (Southfield, Mich; have developed a rubber manufacturing process that eliminates the need for curing in a batch oven after molding. The proprietary compound, known as K16, is intended…

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A platinum-free fuel-cell catalyst

A research team from Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos, N.M.; has developed a novel catalyst for the cathode of a fuel cell that avoids using expensive ($1,800/oz.) platinum metal. The cathode catalyst is on based carbon, partially derived…

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Biodegradation system for VOCs poised for expansion

A system that utilizes existing biological wastewater-treatment facilities for destruction of biodegradable volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other organic hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) has been demonstrated at three U.S. petroleum-refining and chemical facilities, and the developer has plans to extend…

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Low-cost process for bioethanol fuel demonstrated in Japan

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI; Tokyo, says it has established technology to produce bioethanol for automobile use by using soft-cellulose, such as wheat straw and rice straw, as raw materials. MHI estimates the fuel cost for a full-scale production…

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A new way to grow functional MOFs

A team from CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering (Melbourne, Australia; has developed a new technique for growing smart materials known as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), which can be used in pollution control, or as catalysts, or for transporting drugs in…

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Commercial production of ‘Bio-cokes’

Last month, construction was completed on the world’s first commercial plant to produce a next-generation solid fuel, called Bio-cokes, at Takatsuki, Japan. The renewable material is produced from forest residues and can be used as an alternative to coal-based coke…