A new Gas Addition Module has been introduced for this company’s FlowSys and other continuous flow reactors. The new module enables fast, controllable pre-saturation of liquid reagents with a wide range of gases and so promotes efficient gas-dependent reactions in…
This company now offers a new valve design derived from it’s traditional V-port segment valve series. The new two-way-tight, single-seat design is suitable for a wide range of applications and is available for R-series valves. The benefit of this new…
Pump Wisdom: Problem Solving for Operators and Specialists By Heinz P. Bloch. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030. Web: wiley.com. 2011. 224 pages. $49.95. Reviewed by Stanley S. Grossel, Process safety and design consultant, Clifton,…
A PTFE diaphragm permits compact construction of this diaphragm pump, and offers cost savings for high-pressure applications. A patented pressure-supported diaphragm-fixation system is used, so that the fixation is structurally prevented from expanding during the pressure stroke. No auxiliary seal…
Grace Davison (Columbia, Md.; www.grace.com) has commercialized a set of catalysts and additives for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) that contain either zero or low rare-earth metal content. The new product family, known as Replacer, includes new catalysts for processing both…
Modular valve construction allows for custom solutions The Entech DRV-BN non-slam nozzle check valve (photo) has a modularity that allows for customized solutions, as well as in-field reconfiguration and a consistent spring force mechanism for quick and easy maintenance. The…
Chemfluoro Convoflex WCSR Multipurpose Chemical Transfer Hose is designed for bulk-chemical transfers where corrosive chemicals, such as acids, may damage the stainless-steel braid commonly used as a cover on transfer hoses. The new hose is said to provide longer service…
Researchers from the University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain; www.unican.es) have developed a process for incorporating Waelz slag into ceramic clay construction bricks, offering an alternative for disposal of the industrial byproduct. The engineers replaced between 20 and 30% of clay…
The research group of professor Akihiko Kondo at Kobe University (Kobe City, www2.kobe-u.ac.jp/~akondo/index_English.htm) has developed a one-step, pretreatment process for making bioethanol from cellulose and lignocellulose. The process uses an ionic liquid — which converts cellulose into a gel —…
A process for making polyols from soybean oil and glycerin has been licensed by its developer, Battelle (Columbus, Ohio; www.battelle.org), to Emery Oleochemicals Americas (Cincinnati, Ohio; www.emeryoleo.com), who intends to produce the renewably sourced polyols at prices similar to those…