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Hydrogen Production via Methane Pyrolysis: An Overview of ‘Turquoise’ Hydrogen

‘Turquoise’ hydrogen processes generate H2 without releasing CO2. Presented here are the opportunities and challenges for producing hydrogen by methane pyrolysis Hydrogen-producing processes are classified using a color scheme according to their carbon footprint (Table 1; [1–3]). So-called “turquoise hydrogen”…

Unipar modernizes chlor-alkali plant in Brazil with thyssenkrupp nucera technology

Unipar (São Paulo, Brazil) is modernizing its chlor-alkali plant at the Cubatão plant in Brazil by incorporating electrolyzers from thyssenkrupp nucera AG & Co. KGaA (Dortmund, Germany; ). To modernize the plant, the Brazilian chemical company, a leader in the…

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Solar cells integrated into car hoods

In recent years, some car manufacturers have developed vehicles that integrate photovoltaic cells into the roof — the easiest surface to use for onboard solar-power generation. Now, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Fraunhofer ISE; Freiburg, Germany;…

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Chemenator Briefs

Carbon Capture Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. (MTR; Newark, Calif.; Carbon Capture announced it has commenced construction of a large pilot plant at the Wyoming Integrated Test Center (ITC) in Gillette, Wyoming. When operational in 2024, it will be…

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Seawater electrolysis stabilizes and immobilizes atmospheric carbon dioxide

Seawater is being used in a new electrolysis scheme for carbon dioxide removal (CDR), while also producing hydrogen as a byproduct. Developed by Equatic (Los Angeles, Calif.;, the platform draws seawater into a closed electrolysis system, taking advantage of…

Taking graphene into the next dimension

Graphene has been touted as a “super” material, boasting ultra-high strength, superconductivity and many more superlative properties, but, as a planar two-dimensional material, its commercial use has been limited in terms of reactivity, since reactions can only occur at the…

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Methane Reforming: Solving the Hydrogen Blues

Improved catalysts and reconfigured reformer designs make steam-methane reforming the most scalable, industry-ready source of ‘blue’ H2 For many decades, steam-methane reforming (SMR) has been, and still is, the technology of choice for the large-scale production of synthesis gas (syngas;…

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A new electrolyzer system makes propane from CO2

Electrolyzers are typically associated with the production of “green” hydrogen from water and renewable electricity, but a new device borrows from traditional electrolyzer principles to convert CO2 into propane.  A team of researchers from the Electrochemical Energy Materials and Devices…

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Scaled up facility under construction for single-step, CO2-to-fuels process

Construction is underway by AIR Co. (Brooklyn, N.Y.; for a commercial demonstration plant capable of converting captured carbon dioxide into fuel-grade paraffins, as well as ethanol and methanol, in a single step. The facility will be a larger version…

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Immobilizing enzymes as a stable, active foam

Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT; Germany; have developed a new class of materials — enzyme foams. Normally, foaming modifies the enzyme structure and enzymes lose their biocatalytic activity. The new protein foams, however, are said to…