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Processing & Handling

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A concept for making gasoline from air

Air Fuel Synthesis Ltd. (AFS; Darlington, U.K.; has recently demonstrated a process for producing carbon-neutral liquid hydrocarbon (HC) fuel from air-captured carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The proof-of-concept demonstration facility, located at Teesside, England produces 5–10 L/d of liquid HCs.…

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Progress for making smart membranes

Last month marked the completion of the three-year, €3.6-million E.U.-funded research project, Self-assembled Polymer Membranes (SelfMem). Coordinated by the Institute of Polymer Research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG; Germany;, with twelve partners from industry and academia in Israel, Canada…

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New catalysts for Baeyer-Villiger oxidation reactions

Kazuaki Ishihara and his group at Nagoya University (Japan; have established a new, environment friendly reaction technology — using Baeyer-Villiger oxidations — for selectively oxidizing ketones into esters. The reaction uses hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant, and has potential…

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A little gold can reduce the Pt loading in fuel cells

A challenge in the development of polymer-electrolyte membrane fuel cells is the durability and electrocatalytic activity of platinum-based electrocatalysts. The sluggishness of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) causes the fuel cell performance to be limited by the cathodic reaction, and…

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This fully functional Li-ion battery is flexible

A team from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Kaist; Daejeon, South Korea: and Seoul National University ( led by Kaist’s professor Keon Jae Lee, claims to have developed the first prototype of a fully functional all-flexible…

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A nano cage made from a stack of benzenes

Professor Kenichoro Itami and his group at Nagoya University (synth.chem. have synthesized a cage-type carbon nano-molecule, Carbon Nano-cage, composed of 20 condensed benzene rings — C120H78. The group used a procedure it developed four years ago to synthesize carbon…

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A polymersome that releases its cargo where needed

Several drug delivery systems have been studied involving the encapsulation of molecules in a suitable structure and their transport through the human body. In particular, polymersomes — tiny hollow spheres that enclose a solution — formed using synthetic block copolymers…

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Fans and Blowers

Fans and blowers are common in air-handling and movement systems used in the chemical process industries (CPI). Two major uses of fans and blowers are in pneumatic conveying systems and in ventilation and air-pollution-control systems. Powering fans and blowers can…

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Acids Handling

Inorganic acids play a major role in the chemical process industries (CPI). They are used as raw materials, catalysts or finishing and pH control agents in the manufacture of a wide range of chemical products, from fertilizers to detergents, and…

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From Batch to Continuous Processing

Small chemical reactors offer a number of benefits compared to large reactors, such as better heat transfer and mixing. While small batch vessels are impractical at the industrial scale, continuous flow reactors can provide the benefits of small physical size…