Plans are underway to field-test a process that removes more than 90 % of the carbon dioxide from power-plant flue gas, while reducing both the energy input and operating costs by 50 % compared to conventional amine-based CO2-scrubbing technology. The…
A small-scale ceramic membrane reactor to convert natural gas to transportable liquids in a single step is being developed by Ceramatec, Inc. (Salt Lake City, Utah; under a $1.7-million grant from the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s Advanced Research Project…
The research group of Masahiro Murakami at Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan; have synthesized a promising pharmaceutical precursor using only sunlight (as energy source) and CO2 (as co-reagent). The solar-driven process involves two consecutive reactions (diagram): first, light transforms an…
The new micro dosing unit Type 7615 is a high-precision diaphragm pump for exact dosing in the microliter range. Comprised of three valves, the dosing unit doses 5 µL in one stroke with an accuracy of ±2%. The maximum flowrate…
The portable, non-metallic Flex-I-Liner rotary peristaltic pump evacuates drums and totes containing acids, caustics, salts, chlorides and reagent-grade chemicals without corrosion of the pump or contamination of the fluid. The self-priming design of the Flex-I-Liner has no seals to leak…
Cationic polymers have been used in the petroleum industry as shale-control agents, demulsifiers, blocking agents, and filtrate reducers for drilling fluids, but process complexity and high cost have limited their application. Now researchers from Zhejiang Normal University (Jinhua; and…
The research groups of Hideo Hosono and Michikazu Hara at the Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology (TiTech; Yokohama, Japan; have developed a high-performance catalyst for the synthesis of ammonia. In the laboratory, the catalyst is found…
Meanwhile, professor Kazuhito Hashimoto at the University of Tokyo (Japan; has developed new photocatalyst materials based on copper-titanium oxide, which exhibits superior antiviral effectiveness and enhanced antibacterial properties compared to existing systems. Developed with support from NEDO, this new…
Lithium producer Galaxy Resources Ltd. (Perth, Western Australia; says that lithium carbonate product from its wholly owned Jiangsu Lithium Carbonate Plant has achieved battery grade quality using the company’s patented process (flowsheet). The Jiangsu plant is located in the…
When it comes to rotating machinery (pumps, compressors, gas turbines, steam turbines, turbo-expanders, and others) operating in the chemical process industries (CPI), installation, piping, support, pre-commissioning, commissioning and startup play crucial roles. Machinery maintenance and repair can be quite costly,…