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Operations & Maintenance

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Facts At Your Fingertips: Predictive Maintenance Methods

Predictive maintenance (PdM) programs can provide advanced warning of equipment problems and potential failures. This one-page reference provides brief descriptions of six common predictive maintenance methods. Infrared thermography Continuous monitoring of equipment temperature over time has the potential to identify…

Corrosion Under Insulation Gets Attention at CPI sites

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) remains a persistent challenge at chemical process industries facilities, but the issue is receiving renewed attention amid a host of technologies, materials and methodologies for detection and prevention of CUI Corrosion of process equipment, piping and…

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Centrifugal Pumps:When to Repair, Replace or Modify?

When a pump operates inefficiently, or fails all together, the challenge is to make the most economical decision on how to remedy the situation. Some guidance is provided here Centrifugal pumps are widely used throughout the chemical process industries (CPI).…

Selecting Expansion Joints in CPI Applications

In order to maximize longevity and minimize process downtime, it is imperative to understand the factors that determine the proper selection of expansion joints. The following guidelines can help with selection decisions for expansion joints Although sometimes overlooked or treated…

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Quantifying varnish removal in lubricated systems

In lubricated systems, varnish and deposits can form on metal surfaces as lubricant oils degrade, often leading to inefficient operations and equipment failure. There are many chemical cleaning products to break down varnish, but the effectiveness of these compounds in…

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Predicting aluminum-alloy mechanical properties at high temperatures

Aluminum is used for a number of applications because it is lighter than iron and easy to machine. However, Al is usually alloyed with Cu, Mg or other elements for improved strength. Developing such alloys that maintain their strength at…

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Unlocking Hydraulic Limits in a Revamp

Follow the practical tips discussed here to accelerate hydraulic revamp projects and increase the success rate Conducting a thorough hydraulic check is a crucial part of a successful plant revamp. Depending on the remaining margin of the hydraulic system, a…

Revamps and Retrofits: A Path to Evergreen Facilities

An intelligent approach to developing the scope of retrofit projects can allow facilities to remain competitive in the marketplace and meet regulatory requirements Timely and well executed retrofit projects are critical for most facilities in the chemical process industries (CPI)…

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Effective Contracting for a Pilot Plant

Contracting a pilot plant is a viable approach for any organization. However, it can be fraught with potential issues, which need to be understood and addressed in advance Reduced in-house resources have limited the options many organizations have for designing…

Bolt-Load Considerations Associated with ‘Hot Bolting’

In some situations, it might be necessary to remove or replace a bolt during operation. This article shows how to determine the proper bolt load to prevent leaks Bolted flange joints (Figure 1) are part of pressure vessel and piping…