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Eneos and PFN achieve breakthrough in autonomous plant operation

ENEOS Corp. (Tokyo, Japan) and Preferred Networks, Inc. (PFN) announced that they have succeeded in operating a butadiene extraction unit autonomously at ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery's petrochemical plant for two consecutive days using a new artificial intelligence system. Jointly developed by…

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Predicting aluminum-alloy mechanical properties at high temperatures

Aluminum is used for a number of applications because it is lighter than iron and easy to machine. However, Al is usually alloyed with Cu, Mg or other elements for improved strength. Developing such alloys that maintain their strength at…

If Data is the New Gold, Where to Start Digging?

In a data-overloaded environment, companies may struggle to fully reap the benefits of Industry 4.0 technologies. Understanding data utilization can help transform process datasets into decision-making assets The chemical process industries (CPI) have been realizing for some time that information…

MOL and Linde Engineering Digitalize Steam Cracker Plant Operations

Linde Engineering GmbH (Pullach, Germany) and MOL Group (Budapest, Hungary) have signed a contract for the digitalization of MOL’s steam-cracker-plant operations at MOL Petrochemicals in Tiszaújváros, Hungary. Linde will deploy its technology and expertise to help MOL optimize the plant…

LG Energy Solution and Siemens join forces to digitize battery manufacturing

 LG Energy Solution (LGES), a leading global battery maker, announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Siemens AG (Munich, Germany) for joint collaboration in the field of battery manufacturing, particularly the digitization of production process. Under…

Alfa Laval and Microsoft working to develop AI-powered digital tools for heat exchangers

Alfa Laval AB (Lund, Sweden) has signed a global collaboration agreement with Microsoft to develop a suite of innovative digital tools for facilitating service and maintenance of Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers. By using data intelligence and AI, the services…

Ineos to deploy AI technology to optimize emissions reduction

INEOS (London) announced that its Forties Pipeline System (Ineos FPS) will deploy innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven optimization technology at its Kinneil Terminal in Grangemouth that will deliver further carbon emissions reductions from its operations. The decision follows the announcement of…

Leveraging Time-Series Data to Empower Process Experts

Using new analytics technologies to address process challenges and improve production makes business sense Chemical manufacturers are continuously challenged to achieve operational excellence. Many factors are involved with reaching this goal. However, one crucial path forward is being able to…

Black & Veatch partners with INL to license advanced infrastructure cybersecurity methodology

With digitization proliferating across the infrastructure sector, utilities are facing a higher risk of cybersecurity threats than ever before. To address clients’ changing needs, Black & Veatch (Overland Park, Kan.)  has partnered with Idaho National Laboratory (INL; Idaho Falls) to…

Merck and Siemens collaborate on digitalized supply-chain solutions

Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany) and Siemens AG (Munich, Germany), an innovation leader in automation and digitalization, Germany, plan to develop and implement solutions that offer unprecedented levels of digital trust in machine-to-machine (M2M) connected industrial value chains. This would help…