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Heat Transfer

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Chementator: A new reactor is set to change the way chemicals are produced

Alfa Laval AB (Lund, Sweden; has developed a new reactor system, called Alfa Laval Plate Reactors (trademarked as ART), which combines the high-heat-transfer capabilities of plate heat exchangers with the efficient mixing and reaction control typical of microreactors into…

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Chementator: Waste-to-oil

Last month, Clyvia Technology GmbH (Wegberg, Germany;, a fully owned subsidiary of Clyvia Inc. (Las Vegas, Nev.), was granted a German patent for its proprietary fractional depolymerization process for converting waste material into heating oil and diesel fuel. The…

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Chementator: A new process to recycle metal oxide and mineral residues

The Linz, Austria-based VAI Division of Siemens Industrial Solutions and Services (Erlangen, Germany; is commercializing a smelt-reduction process for recycling metal oxide wastes. The ZEWA (zero waste) process, developed by a consortium of companies in a research project under…

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Chementator: Jet fuel

Researchers at Penn State University’s (University Park, Pa.; Energy Institute are developing a jet fuel that is composed of at least 50% bituminous coal. The fuel, provisionally designated JP900, is comparable to Jet A or military JP 8, and…

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Chementator: Europe to get a new wave of plastic-to-diesel plants

Over the next four years, EnvoSmart Technologies B.V. (Roosendaal, Netherlands; plans to install 31 ThermoFuel systems throughout Europe for converting plastic waste into low-sulfur diesel fuel. The first six systems are to be located near Berlin, Germany, where they…

The path to biorefineries

    It’s not a question of whether the world supply of fossil is going to run out; its just a question of when, says professor Colin Webb, head of the chemical engineering department at the University of Manchester (England),…

Pennsylvania slated to become home of first U.S. CTL plant…

After more than ten years of planning, WMPI Pty, LLC (Gilberton, Pa.; is in the final licensing negotiations with contractors for constructing the first major coal-to-liquids (CTL) plant in the U.S. The plant, to be located near Gilberton, will…

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Immersion Heaters: Selection & Implementation

    Immersion heaters are used in a wide variety of applications in the chemical process industries (CPI). Knowing which heater to specify for a particular application and how to maintain it can make a manufacturing process more cost-efficient. This…

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Get the Most From High-temperature Heat-transfer-fluid Systems

      Although water and steam are the ideal media for heat transfer, there are often situations when other heat-transfer fluids are called upon to perform this function in the chemical process industries (CPI). Thus there are, at the…

Optimizing Heat Transfer

Reliable heat transfer is crucial when operating a process that depends on a consistent temperature. Heat-transfer fluids, however, can degrade over time, resulting in diminished heat transport, thereby increasing the heat up time of a material a target material. Consequently,…