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Heat Transfer

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Progress in underground coal gasification

The world’s first demonstration plant combining underground coal gasification and gas-to-liquids (GTL) technologies in the same facility was officially opened on April 22 in Chinchilla, 350 km northwest of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The plant is operated by Linc Energy Ltd…

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A direct coal-liquefaction process goes commercial…

The world’s first commercial plant to produce liquid fuels by direct coal liquefaction is now being started up in Majata, Inner Mongolia, by Shenhua Group (Beijing). Designed to produce 25,000 bbl/d of syncrude from 4,300 metric tons per day (m.t./d)…

Petroleum Refiners Face Uncertain Future

Petroleum refiners throughout the world are faced with increasing uncertainty regarding future refining margins, crude prices and project costs. These factors, along with falling demand for refined products, a global recession, and tighter credit markets, are forcing global refiners to…

Focus on Heat Transfer

New line of blown film coolers are designed for warm climates The BFC Series of Blown Film Air Coolers offer an increase in blown film productivity, especially in warmer climates or other environments where ambient air temperature rises during the…

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Engineering Practice: Optimal Cooling Systems For Coastal Plants

Because temperature control is important in any process, a water-cooling system is a common component in chemical processing plants. For facilities located near coastal areas, the tendency is toward the use of seawater instead of river water for cooling purposes.…

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Solid catalyst simplifies turning algae into biodiesel

Researchers at United Environment & Energy (UE&E; Horseheads, N.Y.) have developed a catalyst for the efficient conversion of algae to biodiesel. The mixed-metal oxide catalyst (comprised of metals that are resistant to corrosion yet reactive) facilitates the transesterification of algae…

Cover Story: Solar’s Second Coming

Nearly 30 years ago (May 6, 1979), U.S. President Jimmy Carter made the following prophetic statement at the inauguration of a solar-thermal water heater installed on the White House roof: "In the year 2000, the solar heater behind me will…

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Chementator: A more efficient way to extract energy from coal

A process that produces hydrogen from coal with close to 80% energy conversion efficiency, plus coproduction of a carbon-dioxide-rich stream for sequestration, is being developed at Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio; This compares with around 60% conversion efficiency for…

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Chementator: Using the sun to keep Australians cool

CSIRO Energy Technology (Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia; is developing a solar-powered air conditioning unit for residential use, using a desiccant-evaporative process to provide cool and dehumidified air. Thermally driven ab- or adsorption chillers are commonly used to provide…

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Chementator: Eni orders world’s largest reactors

Last month, GE Oil & Gas (Florence, Italy; received a contract to supply Eni S.p.A. (Rome; with the largest refinery reactors of their type ever to be manufactured. GE Oil & Gas’ components-production facility in Massa, Italy, will…