Improvements in energy efficiency, reliability and operational boundaries reduce emissions and cut costs Due to a demand to increase margins and meet sustainability and decarbonization targets, today’s chemical processors are seeking ways to improve energy efficiency and reliability while also…
Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are a family of highly reactive gases that can be produced naturally, but largely result from fuel combustion (industrial combustion and automobile engines). In the environment, they are pollutants that react with volatile organic compounds in…
Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT; Germany; and the SMS group GmbH (Düsseldorf, Germany; have developed a new process to reduce CO2 emissions from worldwide steel production by several hundred million tons per year. It is based…
As the chemical process industries push to decarbonize their businesses, heat pumps are emerging as a go-to alternative to fossil fuels. Efficient and cost-effective, heat pumps are a rapidly expanding solution for industrial heat demand In the drive to meet…
Using concentrated solar thermal (CST) energy to supply industrial-heating requirements is a promising way to reduce the use of fossil fuels. This is the aim of Magaldi Green Energy (Rome, Italy;, which developed its Solar Thermo Electric Magaldi (STEM)…
Properly locating a simple 1–2-in. balance line can make all the difference in successful reboiler operation Steam reboilers are crucial to production in petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants, representing huge capital investment in distillation columns. Regardless of the investment made…
In recent years, engineers at ETH Zurich have developed technology to produce liquid fuels from sunlight and air. At the heart of the production process is a solar reactor that is exposed to concentrated sunlight delivered by a parabolic mirror…
Being aware of and understanding potential hazards are crucial for operating a heat-transfer-fluid system safely A significant number of industrial processes require heating or cooling with precise temperature control. Maintaining this temperature control can be achieved through several industrial practices,…
Coolbrook Oy (Helsinki, Finland; has successfully completed the first phase of large-scale pilot testing (photo) for its RotoDynamic Technology at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Geleen, the Netherlands. During 2023, Coolbrook has been running a test program to demonstrate…
Last month, Metso Corp. (Espoo, Finland; introduced a hydrogen-variant of its Ferroflame LowNOx burners as part of its NextGen Pelletizing plant product range. It is a first-of-its-kind burner to run on H2 and to operate on the LowNOx combustion…