Modernizing the world’s power grids represents a key infrastructure goal for economic growth. Large-scale, energy-storage technologies offer the opportunity to optimize the efficiency of the next-generation power grid and extend its capabilities. Renewed attention on energy storage systems for the…
Single-fluid heat-transfer systems that both heat and cool a process require special considerations for trouble-free operation Thermal fluid systems that both heat and cool are often utilized in batch processes. They are also often found in continuous processes where heating…
Steam traps are designed to allow condensate, but not steam, to escape from a steam line. When they malfunction, however, numerous costly consequences can result including energy losses, insufficient heating to processes, maintenance issues and more. At its Global Users…
Articles about thermal fluid systems often start with a variation of the statement that “thermal fluid systems typically require little ongoing maintenance for the first few years of operation” and then go on to extol the various advantages of indirect…
In today’s climate of increased energy prices and tightening environmental emissions requirements, petrochemicals producers around the world are continuing to focus on optimizing energy consumption at their facilities. Over the past few years, while energy prices have been increasing, petroleum…
Pinch analysis is a systematic method to maximize energy recovery from process streams entering and exiting process equipment. Using this method, the minimum thermodynamic requirements for hot and cold utilities can be calculated for a process. This is useful to…
The HGA-S-CX1300 system is an innovative high-temperature steam-generation device that instantly produces high-quality superheated steam at 1 atm pressure. Maximum steam temperatures of 1,300°C are available, with steam flowrates from less than 1 kg/h to more than 10 kg/h. The…
The Dow Chemical Company (Midland, Mich.; and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne, Ill.; have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for a multi-year research collaboration to jointly develop the next generation of materials…
Thermosiphon reboilers are the new standard in petroleum refineries and chemical plants. Nevertheless, approximately 50% of the world’s reboilers are kettles. In the realm of heat transfer, kettle reboilers have not been understood well. Last month, at ChemInnovations, however, Pete…
A well-operated steam generator can save money. In a steam-driven turbine system, water is heated in the steam generator to produce high-temperature, high-pressure steam. Steam is then expanded in a turbine to produce electricity from a generator. Turbine steam is…