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Environment, Health, Safety & Security

An Integrated Approach to Industrial Security

To many, the concept of a "smart plant" involves integrating critical process subsystems and instrumentation with the goal of streamlining operations, increasing production and, simply put, making more money. But looking at the bigger picture, the true goal of having…

Facts at Your Fingertips: Acid Storage

Most common acids can be stored in horizontal or vertical ASME-type tanks, as shown in the figures to the right, or vertical API-type tanks. Horizontal, carbon-steel ASME-type tanks of 10,000 — 40,000 gal capacity should have a plate thickness of…

Chementator: A Process for Desulfurizing Natural Gas  

A process in which sulfur is extracted from natural gas in the field and converted to sulfur dioxide, which is then injected into the gas reservoir and reacts with hydrogen sulfide in situ to produce elemental sulfur, has been developed…

Chementator: A Cellulosic-Ethanol Demonstration Plant Enters Startup Phase    

Verenium Corp. (formerly Celunol; Cambridge, Mass.; is starting up a 1.4-million gal/yr demonstration-scale facility at Jennings, La., which will produce ethanol from regional feedstocks (including sugarcane bagasse and specially bred "energy cane") via proprietary cellulosic-ethanol technology. The technology was…

Chementator: Foundation for SIF Demonstrations    

This month, the newly released Foundation for Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) was demonstrated at Shell Global Solutions (Amsterdam, Netherlands) — one of several demonstrations planned by the Fieldbus Foundation (FF; Austin, Tex.; In Amsterdam, engineers constructed a DCS-controlled demo…

Editor’s Page: Go green, but be realistic  

As spring approaches, the woods around Frankfurt are beginning to get green again. Taking in this annual transformation, it seems like a good time to reflect on how the meaning of the word "green" has changed — through misuse or…

Technology Showcase: Biofuels Face a Carbon Certification Challenge

Investment, production and consumption of biofuels are booming, thanks mainly to American and European governments’ subsidy and promotion. In part this is driven by fear of environmental enemy number one — global warming. The simple, conventional wisdom is that biofuels…

Newsfront: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

  While it may be one of the oldest chemical processes known to mankind, fermentation is getting a high-tech face lift as industrial biotech firms put a fresh spin on the age-old technology in an effort to develop advanced products…

Environmental Manager: A Checklist for Safer Chemical Batch Reactions

A good understanding of the reaction chemistry is needed for a safe process design It is a fact that safety-related incidents do occur in the chemical process industries (CPI). These incidents have, in part, led to increased attention to reactive-chemical…

Chementator: An ammonia-based CO2-capture process moves several steps closer to commercialization  

Last month, the first pilot project that used chilled ammonia to capture carbon dioxide from the fluegas (FG) of a coal-fired power plant started operating at the 1,210-MW We Energies’ Pleasant Prairie power plant in Wisconsin. Alstom (Windsor, Conn.;…