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Environment, Health, Safety & Security

New adsorbent removes radioactive cesium ions from nuclear wastewater

One of the major byproducts of the nuclear fission process used for power generation is 137Cs, a radioactive isotope of Cs that has a half-life of 30 years and is often removed from nuclear-power-plant wastewater via selective adsorption using ion…

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Electrochemical amalgamation effectively removes mercury from concentrated H2SO4

It is well known that mercury is not only toxic, but is also highly mobile. As a result, Hg emissions from both industrial processes (gold mining, combustion of fossil fuels, cement production, waste incineration and more), as well as natural…

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Minimizing the Effects of VOCs and Reactive Gases on Industrial-Grade LED Lighting

Chemical plants should not overlook the potential problems that can arise from damaged or malfunctioning lighting fixtures It is no secret that many chemical plants and industrial sites are prone to harsh environmental conditions that can wreak havoc on equipment…

Proactively Achieving Emissions Reduction

At the outset, tackling emissions-reduction projects to achieve regulatory compliance can seem daunting, but by taking a proactive approach, leaks can be handled before they become a serious emissions issue To meet global emissions-reduction targets, chemical processing facilities are facing…

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Technologies for Air-Pollution Control: Combustible and Non-Combustible Methods

Effective control technologies are crucial for mitigating the adverse effects of air pollution. The selection of combustion-based or non-combustion-based technologies requires careful consideration of numerous factors Air-pollution control technologies are critical for reducing the negative impacts of industrial operations on…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: July 2023

The following is a list of recently published books that may be relevant to professionals in the chemical process industries (CPI).  Turquoise Hydrogen: An Effective Pathway to Decarbonization and Value Added Carbon Materials. Edited by Matteo Pelucchi and Matteo Maestri,…

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Facts At Your Fingertips: Control-Valve Emissions and Packing

Fugitive emissions — defined as unintended releases of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from process equipment to the atmosphere — have been a long-standing issue in the chemical process industries (CPI). Valves and pumps are two of the leading sources. With…

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Avoiding Mistakes When Emptying Spill Pallets

Following these guidelines can help workers to take the proper precautions to minimize the risk of leakage from spill pallets Container liquid leaks can occur at any time, even when all precautions have been taken and containers are stored on…

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How Protective is Your PPE?

As process technologies — and their associated risks to workers — evolve, personal protective equipment must continue to push the boundaries in both functionality and comfort Personal protective equipment (PPE) — helmets, fire-resistant clothing, gloves, goggles and so on —…

Petroleum Refining Decarbonization Strategies

As refiners respond to shifting product demand, pressure to decarbonize operations builds. Investments in low-carbon hydrogen technologies, process optimization and integration projects are on the rise The petroleum-refining sector sits in a unique place: global demand for refined products —…