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Environment, Health, Safety & Security

This safety controller replaces relays

The SC22-3 safety controller is an efficient solution for connecting several safety devices to machine controls. The controller, developed by partners Banner Engineering, eliminates the need for several dedicated safety relays and integrates input devices, such as emergency stop switches,…

Integrated software delivers a host of advantages

The LDRA tool suite has been integrated with the IBM Rational Rose RealTime model-driven development environment. This integration introduces LDRA’s powerful code quality analysis and code coverage techniques into the domain of model-driven development using Unified Modeling Language (UML). The…

New fail-safe modules for an I/O station

This company has improved the performance and increased the functionality of the fail-safe modules for its modular Simatic ET 200M I/O station. The new ET 200M modules (24F-DI, 8 F-DO and 10 F-DO) are now able to meet the requirements…

More certification for this buckling-pin relief valve

BS&B Pressure Safety Management The BPRV Buckling Pin Relief Valve (photo) may be certified according to the 2009 addendum of ASME Section III, Div. 1, bearing both the UD stamp and NB mark. Since 2004, the BPRV valves have been…

Respirators with a unique, flexible fit

    3M   Introduced in September, the VFlex Particulate Respirators 9105, 9105S, N95 (photo) feature V-shaped pleats that expand to help provide a comfortable seal, and to flex with mouth movements for easier talking. The increased surface area of…

Improved ethylene-oxide scrubber design can meet stringent regulations

Improvements in the design of ethylene oxide (EtO) scrubbers made by The Clean Air Group, Croll Reynolds Co. (Parsippany, N.J.; have helped users meet increasingly stringent regulations for EtO emissions, as well as meet tower height restrictions. “Our designs…

Chemical Protective Clothing

Chemical protective garments are available in a wide variety of fabrics and designs that provide varying levels of protection for chemical process industries (CPI) workers, who may be exposed to chemicals in the form of vapors, liquids and particles. While…

Evaluating and Reducing the Risks Of Pneumatic Pressure Testing

The pressure testing of process piping and vessels is essential in the chemical process industries (CPI). In liquefied natural gas (LNG) and other cryogenic facilities, residual water left by hydraulic pressure testing could result in operational problems if not completely…

Managing Compliant MSDSs and Labels

Chemical regulatory compliance is growing in complexity as product sourcing and formulations proliferate and organizations expand into new markets on a global scale. Staying current with the requirements of international regulatory initiatives such as the Globally Harmonized System of Classification…

Get the Most out of Vibration Analysis

With productivity, growth and reliability as constant drivers, the proactive evaluation of all machinery is critically important. In order to gain useful insight, the maintenance team must capture comprehensive data related to machinery operation and carry out a logical interpretation…