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Environment, Health, Safety & Security

Micro-scored rupture discs offer added benefits

This company has recently introduced its SCD (forward acting) and SCR (reverse buckling) rupture discs with micro-scored calibration sections. The patent-pending technology makes the discs very flexible so that scoring in six or more sections is possible instead of the…

A complete selection tool for intelligent process valves

Last month, this company released the latest version of its valve-sizing software, Nelprof6. The software features two calculation modules that enable the selection of intelligent, automated on/off valves and emergency valves. Special safety requirements, such as an actuator-sizing safety factor…

Redesigned check valves feature a guided cone

The check valves type 561 and 562 have been redesigned and complement this company’s line of plastic valves. The standard cone check valve (type 561) seals with medium pressure. Type 562 is equipped with a spring, closes autonomously and can…

CSB continues investigation of two accidents involving combustible dust

The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB; has  released test results confirming preliminary conclusions that two flash fires, which occurred at the Hoeganaes Corp. plant in Gallatin, Tenn., involved the combustion of iron powder that had accumulated throughout the facility…

Does safety milestone at BP Texas City refinery signify a turnaround?

In 2005, an explosion at the BP Texas City refinery facility killed 15 and injured an additional 180. At the time, it was considered to be the worst industrial accident in 16 years, and continues to top the list. While…

May Letters

LEAN Chemical Manufacturing There has been a great deal of new activity around so-called lean thinking or the lean enterprise lately, even though the practical application has been going on since the early 1900s. It was started by Henry Ford,…

Burner Design for Fuel Flexibility and Efficiency

Combustion provides heat for many industrial processes and accounts for over 80% of the power used by turbines to generate electricity. Over the past several decades, regulatory action and concerns over environmental air pollutants, such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx),…

Eliminating Potential Process Hazards

Originally published in the April 1, 1985 issue, this 21 page article contains timeless recommendations for ensuring plant safety. This article is available in pdf form only. Please click on the pdf tab at the top of the article to…

PEMS: The Low-Cost Alternative To Emissions Monitoring

Regulatory authorities around the world require continuous emissions monitoring of certain pollutants from large combustion sources. There are two main technologies for monitoring these emissions on a continuous basis — the more traditional one relies on sampling and analyzing exhaust…

Designing Safer Process Plants

Many individuals and organizations have made important contributions to the creation of inherently safer (IS) products, processes and process plants [1–3]. A brief survey of successful case histories shows that most reported applications relied on only a few of the…