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Environment, Health, Safety & Security

Fired Heaters: Best Practices for the Control of Fuel Gas

Large petroleum-refining complexes often have dozens of fired heaters, making broad-based competency in this area essential to overall reliability, safety and energy efficiency. Despite industry’s widespread familiarity with fired heaters, they continue to pose significant challenges during initial control-system design…

A promising process to recover Li from seawater

Lithium is an element of growing importance for the production of batteries and nuclear fuels. Because Japan relies completely on imports of this material, with the majority coming from South America, the country is looking for alternative sources for this…

Cybersecurity: The challenges of interconnectivity

Big-time security threats and breaches, like the recent Target data breach involving confidential consumer information, remind us of how vulnerable our interconnectivity makes us. And yet, the advantages of the technological advances that we enjoy are so many that there…

Imitating nature leads to a separator for oil droplets

Separation of micron-sized oil droplets from water is difficult by conventional methods. A Chinese team has developed an oleophilic array of conical needle structures that can continuously collect micron-sized oil droplets from an oil-water mixture with high efficiency and high…

CO2 gets Grounded

"As long as fossil fuels and carbon-intensive industries play dominant roles in our economies, carbon capture and storage (CCS) will remain a critical greenhouse gas reduction solution. With coal and other fossil fuels remaining dominant in the fuel mix, there…

Static Electricity Discharge and Fire Prevention

When flammable or combustible atmospheres are present, uncontrolled discharges of static electricity are potentially dangerous or even catastrophic. A significant portion of industrial explosions and fires are attributable to static electricity each year. In theory, controlling static electricity by grounding…

Advanced Polymer Recycling

Polymers like polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and polyester have become ubiquitous in manufacturing. The properties of polymer-based materials that make them so desirable — they are generally cheap to produce and boast high chemical and thermal stability — also make…

In-situ chemical remediation of soil and groundwater

Geo-Cleanse International, Inc. (Mata- wan, N.J.; has developed a new method for ridding soil and groundwater of chloromethanes, Freon and other difficult-to-treat contaminants without the need for digging and offsite soil treatment. The Geo-Cleanse process was inspired by research…

Recovering and purifying byproduct and waste ethylene glycol

GlyEco Inc. (Phoenix, Ariz.; has developed a process for recovering and purifying ethylene glycol from a number of industrial byproduct and waste streams so that it meets an ASTM International (West Conshohocken, Pa.;; formerly American Society for Testing…

Focus on Safety Equipment

Safety glove for broader industrial use Superior Glove Works This company has harnessed an advanced knowledge of yarn technology to create an affordable and innovative glove, allowing a broader industrial market of workers to benefit from premium safety solutions. The…