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Environment, Health, Safety & Security

Improve Energy Efficiency using Hydraulic Power Recovery Turbines

This mature technology can be used to save energy, generate revenue and reduce emissions With the Paris Agreement entering into force last November, the Parties to the Convention established their goals to implement measures to reduce the amount of greenhouse…

Investing in safety

The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB; Washington, D.C.; is a federal agency that is charged with investigating industrial chemical accidents. The Board was created to operate independently of other agencies and its principal role, as described on its website,…

Proper Use of Conventional PRV Discharge Coefficients

In order to correctly size pressure relief valves (PRVs), a robust understanding of discharge coefficients for vapor, liquid and two-phase flow is crucial A pressure relief valve (PRV) is used to prevent the pressure in a process vessel from exceeding…

Designating a day for water

Last month, special recognition to water-related issues was given on March 22, the date designated by the United Nations as “World Water Day.” The first World Water Day was observed in 1993, and has been celebrated every year since. The…

Member Exclusive

Facts at Your Fingertips: Gas Detection

Detection of gases is a critical task in many chemical process industries (CPI) facilities to avoid hazards to personnel and to the environment. Gases may present risks of explosion, flammability, toxicity, environmental pollution and displacement of breathable air. This one-page…

Refrigerants: New Rules Reinforce Innovation

As new regulations take effect, familiar refrigerants are being phased out and a variety of next-generation materials and processes are being introduced Agreed upon in October 2016 after negotiations from over 170 nations, the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol…

Eye on Flare Systems

Proper gas sampling is essential to meet operating and regulatory objectives Flares are used extensively in chemical process industries (CPI) facilities and petroleum refineries, to combust flammable hazardous gases. When designed and operated properly, they provide a proven mechanism to…

Noise Calculator

Sound levels in a plant or in a lab are often high enough to be distracting, and sometimes they are high enough to create health and safety concerns for workers in the immediate area. We've published a noise level calculator…

Building on the Paris Agreement

December 2015 marked a landmark international agreement to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in order to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2°C above pre-industrial temperatures. This agreement, made at the 21st Conference of the Parties to…

Process Plant Layout — Becoming a Lost Art?

Plant layout is as important a part of process plant design as it ever was, but it is rarely taught as part of chemical engineering courses While process plant layout is a critical aspect of chemical process industries (CPI) operations,…