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Environment, Health, Safety & Security

New Ways to Achieve Better Control of Emissions

New and improved catalysts and other process innovations are helping the chemical process industries (CPI) to control emissions As long as fossil fuels are used for combustion processes — not only in power plants, but also furnaces in the glass…

Preventing Electrostatic Explosions and Fires

There are many occasions in chemical processing plants where electrostatic charge generation and accumulation can occur, potentially leading to fires and explosions. Engineers must understand these hazards and how to mitigate them We are all familiar with the electrostatic shocks…

CE Podcast: Bentley Systems’ Anne-Marie Walters Discusses Digital Twins

Listen to the latest episode of the Chemical Engineering Podcast, where I interview Anne-Marie Walters, industry marketing director for the process industries at Bentley Systems, about the use and impact of digital twins at chemical process industries (CPI) facilities.  Digital…

Looking ahead

This has certainly been a year to remember, and as 2020 comes to an end this month, I expect we are all looking forward to the new year with hope. There are encouraging signs for better days to come. While…

AI and Position-Sensing Drive Robotics Expansion

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and improved technologies for providing robots with positional awareness have driven an expansion of robotics use in a variety of application areas across the chemical process industries (CPI) Robots have been fixtures on discrete-product manufacturing…

Member Exclusive

Facts At Your Fingertips: Hydrogen flame hazards and leak detection

The use of molecular hydrogen is common across the chemical process industries (CPI). Annually, 70 million metric tons of H2 are produced worldwide. Most industrial H2 production currently occurs via steam reforming of methane, but production via water electrolysis is…

Choosing Footwear for Chemical Working Environments

Selecting footwear for plant personnel is not a “one size fits all” situation — various factors must be considered to ensure the best shoe for a specific application Chemical manufacturing plants generally have questions about their overall safety protection program,…

Mitigate Dust Hazards With Good Equipment and System Design

By carefully considering equipment and plant design in processes involving powdered materials, fugitive dust issues can be reduced significantly Powdered ingredients that unintentionally leak from equipment in a manufacturing plant are known as fugitive dust. The risks associated with fugitive…

Video – Do you really need a thermowell?

Do you really need a thermowell? For more info: Product Selection Assistant, a comprehensive tool for selecting the most suitable technology for your application.

Recently Published Books for November 2020

The following titles are recently published books of potential interest to various parts of the chemical process industries (CPI) Human Factor and Reliability Analysis to Prevent Losses in Industrial Processes: An Operational Culture Perspective. By Salvador Avila Filho, Ivone Conceicao…