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Current Economic Trends: June CEPCI

The preliminary value for the June 2015 CE Plant Cost Index (CEPCI; the most recent available) continued the trend of small monthly declines since the beginning of the year. The June CEPCI is 3.1% lower than the corresponding value from…

Fed data show gain in industrial production, ACC report says

Data from the U.S. Federal Reserve (Washington, D.C.; indicate that the output of the nation’s industrial sector grew by 0.6% in July, according to the latest Weekly Chemistry and Economic Report from the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;…

Nicholas Chopey scholarship awarded

The 2015 Nicholas P. Chopey Scholarship for Chemical Engineering Excellence has been awarded to Stephanie Kong, a student at the University of Buffalo (, who is majoring in both chemical engineering and Spanish. Kong is a member of Tau Beta…

Production of major plastic resins rose in June, ACC says

According to data from the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;, production of major plastic resins totaled 6.5 billion pounds during June 2015, up 2.6% compared to June of last year. Year-to-date production was 38.7 billion pounds, a 3.3%…

U.S. CPRI and specialty chemical volumes up in June, ACC says

The U.S. Chemical Production Regional Index (U.S. CPRI) rose by 0.5% in June, while specialty chemical market volumes in the U.S. rose by 0.1%, according to the latest Weekly Chemistry and Economic Report from the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington,…

U.S. chemical production rose in June, ACC report says

Overall production in the U.S. chemical industry rose by 0.7% in June to 92.1% of its average 2007 level, according to an analysis of data from the U.S. Federal Reserve Board by the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;…

Member Exclusive

Current Economic Trends: May CEPCI

The preliminary value for the May 2015 CE Plant Cost Index (CEPCI; the most recent available) continued the trend of small monthly declines since the beginning of the year. The May CEPCI is 2.4% lower than the corresponding value from…

OECD CLI shows gains in 16 of 33 major countries, ACC report says

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD; Paris; recently released its composite leading indicator (CLI) for May, and it shows that 16 of the 33 major nations experienced a gain in their CLI, according to the latest Weekly…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: July 2015

Chemical Engineering Booklist for July 2015 Solid-Liquid Filtration: Practical Guides in Chemical Engineering, by Barry Perlmutter, Elsevier, 2015, 136 pages, $33.96. Batch and Semi-batch Reactors: Practical Guides in Chemical Engineering, by Jonathan Worstell, Elsevier, 2015, 108 pages. $33.96. An Applied…

Leading economic indicator points to acceleration, ACC says

The Chemical Activity Barometer (CAB), a leading economic indicator created by the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;, increased by 0.7 percent in June, followed by a similar gain in May, and an upwardly revised 0.5 percent gain in…