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Working remotely

With the prevalence of sophisticated mobile devices today, and the almost ubiquitous availability of WiFi — even on airplanes now­— we can almost always be connected to each other and to our jobs. I, for one, enjoy the freedom that…

Novamont opens commercial-scale facility for bio-based BDO

Novamont (Novara, Italy;, the Italy-based world leader in bioplastics, with 1,000 patents in biopolymers and biochemicals, announced they have opened the world’s first commercial-scale facility for the bio-based production of a major intermediate chemical, in Bottrighe (Adria), North East…

Current Economic Trends: July 2016 CEPCI

The July 2016 preliminary value for the CE Plant Cost Index (CEPCI; the most recent available) was substantially higher than the previous month’s value, reversing the small decrease from the June CPI value. All four of the subindices rose, with…

U.S. specialty chemicals market notches 2nd consecutive monthly gain, ACC says

The American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.; reported that U.S. specialty chemicals market volumes rose 0.3 percent in August. This follows a 0.4 percent gain in July and a 0.3 percent decline in June. All changes in the data…

Business News Sept. 2016

Plant Watch Cepsa to build new m-xylene unit under supply agreement with Indorama August 9, 2016 — Following a supply agreement with Indorama Ventures Public Ltd. (IVL; Bangkok, Thailand;, Compañía Española de Petróleos S.A.U. (Cepsa; Madrid, Spain; will…

Global CPRI shows flat growth in 2016, ACC says

The American Chemistry Council’s (ACC; Washington, D.C.; Global Chemical Production Regional Index (Global CPRI) shows that growth in the industry has been nearly flat most of the year thus far. The headline index for July rose just 0.1 percent…

Chemical Activity Barometer (CAB) suggests accelerated activity, ACC says

The Chemistry Activity Barometer (CAB), a leading economic indicator created by the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;, expanded 0.4 percent in August, following an upward revision for July. This marks the barometer’s sixth consecutive monthly gain. Accounting for…

U.S. specialty chemicals market notches first gain since March, ACC says

The Specialty Chemicals Market Volume Index, a tool created by the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.; entered the third quarter of 2016 on a positive note, rising 0.2 percent in July. This follows a 0.3 percent decline in…

Current economic trends

The June 2016 preliminary value for the CE Plant Cost Index (CEPCI; the most recent available) ticked lower than the previous month, reversing the direction from the May value, but continuing a general lowering trend over the past several months.…

Global CPRI ends 2nd quarter on soft note, ACC says

The American Chemistry Council’s (ACC; Washington, D.C.; Global Chemical Production Regional Index (Global CPRI) shows that the second quarter ended on a soft note, with the headline index rising only 0.1 percent on a three-month moving average (3MMA) basis…