Chemical engineering and, perhaps to a lesser degree, other kinds of engineering are topics of intense interest to contemporary ethicists and philosophers. In many cases, this scrutiny has been triggered by unfortunate safety or pollution incidents from the…
Messer Group GmbH (Krefeld, Germany; has commercialized a liquid-nitrogen- (LNâ‚‚) based process for purifying exhaust air that contains high (100–1,000 g/m3) loads of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or solvents. Unlike incineration (which can have problems, such as dioxin formation, with chlorinated…
This fall, Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo;, plans to start up a 70,000-m.t./yr plant for producing acrylonitrile (AN) at its 100% subsidiary Tongsuh Petrochemical Corporation Ltd., (Ulsan, South Korea). The plant will be a renovation of an existing…
NORTH AMERICA ISCST 2006: 13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium. The Tiara Group (Ojai, Calif.). Phone: 805-659-2298; Fax: 805-659-1493; Web: Denver, Colo. Sept. 11-13 Predictive Maintenance Technology Conference & Expo. (Fort Myers, Fla.). Phone: 305-735-3746; Fax:…
If leadership ability corresponded to IQ levels, every engineer would be a contender for the coveted corner office, whether that office was occupied by the company CEO or its vice president for engineering. Unfortunately, a different kind of…
ISCRE 19: 19th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering. Dechema e.V. (Frankfurt, Germany). Phone: +49-69-7564-295; Fax: +49-69-7564-176; Web: Potsdam/Berlin, Germany Sept. 3-6 Distillation & Absorption 2006. The Institution of Chemical Engineers (Rugby, U.K.). Phone: +44-1788-578214; Fax: +44-1788-560833;…
Petrochemicals - A Beginner's Course. Reed Business Information (Surrey, U.K.). Phone: +44-20-8652-3090; Fax: +44-20-8652-8351; Web: Dubai, U. A.E. Sept. 11 12th Annual China Chemical Industry Conference. Chemical Week (New York, N.Y.). Phone: 212-621-4978; Fax: 212-621-4970; Email: [email protected]…
ISCST 2006: 13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium. The Tiara Group (Ojai, Calif.). Phone: 805-659-2298; Fax: 805-659-1493; Web: Denver, Colo. Sept. 11-13 Predictive Maintenance Technology Conference & Expo. (Fort Myers, Fla.). Phone: 305-735-3746; Fax: 309-423-7234;…
China, one of the world's great growth stories, may become the world's largest consumer market. As that potential unfolds, petrochemical activity and investment are sure to be key drivers. China is now the 6th largest economy in the…
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co. (MHI; Mihara, Japan; has developed an integrated piping-and-instrument system, called M-iPIS, which makes small, complex piping systems from a single plate block. Analogous to the manufacturing of integrated circuit boards, M-iPIS realizes not only cost…