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Business & Economics

Calendar – June

    NORTH AMERICA Piping Design and Analysis Seminar. SST Systems, Inc. (San Jose, Calif.). Phone: 408-452-8111; Fax: 408-452-8388; Web: San Jose, Calif. June 26–28   A&WMA 2007 Annual Conference. Air &Waste Management Assn. (Pittsburgh, Pa.). Phone: 412-232-3444; Fax:…

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GE Plastics to Sabic

Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (Sabic; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has agreed to purchase GE Plastics (Pittsfield, Mass.; for $11.6 billion. Regulatory approval for the transaction is expected to occur by the third quarter of 2007.

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Propylene glycol

Huntsman Corp. (Houston, Tex.; plans to commercialize a process for making propylene glycol (PG) from glycerin, a byproduct of biodiesel production, and will make the product available for customer trials within the next month. Using proprietary technology, the company…

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A new packaging foam

Nova Chemicals (Pittsburgh, Pa.; has launched Arcel, a new foam resin that enables retailers to reduce the cube size of packaging by as much as 40% compared to traditional foam packaging, without sacrificing the protective qualities. As a result,…

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The Evolution of Power

    Environmental regulations, the economy, an aging infrastructure and the always growing demand for energy are well-known factors driving the need to reshape today’s power generation industry. But how the pending changes will impact the chemical process industries (CPI)…

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Antibody-drug pair

Lonza Group Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland; plans to start large-scale production of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), an emerging class of products utilized mainly for the treatment of cancer. The plant, located in Visp, Switzerland, will have an initial production capacity…

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A new process for making TDI slated for its commercial debut

When a 300,000-m.t./yr plant starts up in 2010 at Bayer’s integrated site in Shanghai, China, it will be the first world-scale application of a new process for producing toluene diisocyanate (TDI) developed by Bayer MaterialScience AG (BMS; Leverkusen, Germany;…

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Hydrogasification project aims to produce clean energy from coal, wind and biomass

An integrated energy scheme that combines the generation of substitute natural gas (SNG) from coal, coproduction of biofuel and electricity and near-zero emissions of carbon dioxide, is being developed by Arizona Public Service (APS, Phoenix;, Arizona’s largest utility, with…

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A ‘green’ process for petroleum refineries

“Green” diesel fuel that can be blended with petroleum-derived diesel fuel has been produced from vegetable oil in a process developed jointly by UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill.; and Eni S.p.A. (Milan, Italy). The fuel is a “premium diesel…

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Shock waves step up biodiesel-fuel production

Biodiesel fuel is typically produced by the transesterification of vegetable oil or animal fats in a batch operation that takes about 1-1/2 h. Hydro Dynamics, Inc. (HDI; Rome, Ga.; claims to have cut the residence time to 2–3 s…