Piping design is the job of configuring the physical aspects of pipe and components in an effort to conform with piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), fluid-service requirements, associated material specifications, equipment-data sheets, and current good manufacturing practices (GMP)…
Today, nearly all car tires in Europe are equipped with treads consisting of silica-silane technology. Such so-called green tires are made with the help of bifunctional organic silicon compounds (organosilanes) to chemically couple rubber and silica. Up to now, however,…
Plant Watch BP, ABF and DuPont unveil $400-million investment in U.K. biofuels June 26, 2007 — BP, Associated British Foods (ABF) and DuPont announced investment plans of about $400 million, for the construction of a bioethanol plant alongside a demonstration…
Last month, Rautaruukki Raahe Mills (Finland) started constructing a new pilot-scale acid-regeneration plant, which will regenerate hydrochloric acid used in pickeling hot-rolled steel at the mill. The plant marks the first commercial application of a recycling process developed by Kemira…
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers. Second edition. By James O. Wilkes. Prentice Hall PTR, 1 Lake St., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. Web: phptr.com. 2005. 784 pages. $120.80. Reviewed by Ron Darby, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tex. This is…
NORTH AMERICA Piping Design and Analysis Seminar. SST Systems, Inc. (San Jose, Calif.). Phone: 408-452-8111; Fax: 408-452-8388; Web: sstusa.com San Jose, Calif. June 26–28 A&WMA 2007 Annual Conference. Air &Waste Management Assn. (Pittsburgh, Pa.). Phone: 412-232-3444; Fax:…
Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (Sabic; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, edlinks.chemengonline.com/6896-543) has agreed to purchase GE Plastics (Pittsfield, Mass.; edlinks.chemengonline.com/6896-544) for $11.6 billion. Regulatory approval for the transaction is expected to occur by the third quarter of 2007.
Huntsman Corp. (Houston, Tex.; edlinks.chemengonline.com/6896-545) plans to commercialize a process for making propylene glycol (PG) from glycerin, a byproduct of biodiesel production, and will make the product available for customer trials within the next month. Using proprietary technology, the company…
Nova Chemicals (Pittsburgh, Pa.; edlinks.chemengonline.com/6896-548) has launched Arcel, a new foam resin that enables retailers to reduce the cube size of packaging by as much as 40% compared to traditional foam packaging, without sacrificing the protective qualities. As a result,…
Environmental regulations, the economy, an aging infrastructure and the always growing demand for energy are well-known factors driving the need to reshape today’s power generation industry. But how the pending changes will impact the chemical process industries (CPI)…