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Piping Design, Part 3 – Design Elements

    Piping design is the job of configuring the physical aspects of pipe and components in an effort to conform with piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), fluid-service requirements, associated material specifications, equipment-data sheets, and current good manufacturing practices (GMP)…

Member Exclusive

Green tires

Today, nearly all car tires in Europe are equipped with treads consisting of silica-silane technology. Such so-called green tires are made with the help of bifunctional organic silicon compounds (organosilanes) to chemically couple rubber and silica. Up to now, however,…

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July Plant Watch & Mergers

Plant Watch BP, ABF and DuPont unveil $400-million investment in U.K. biofuels June 26, 2007 — BP, Associated British Foods (ABF) and DuPont announced investment plans of about $400 million, for the construction of a bioethanol plant alongside a demonstration…

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Acid regeneration

Last month, Rautaruukki Raahe Mills (Finland) started constructing a new pilot-scale acid-regeneration plant, which will regenerate hydrochloric acid used in pickeling hot-rolled steel at the mill. The plant marks the first commercial application of a recycling process developed by Kemira…

July Bookshelf  

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers. Second edition. By James O. Wilkes. Prentice Hall PTR, 1 Lake St., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. Web: 2005. 784 pages. $120.80. Reviewed by Ron Darby, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tex. This is…

Calendar – June

    NORTH AMERICA Piping Design and Analysis Seminar. SST Systems, Inc. (San Jose, Calif.). Phone: 408-452-8111; Fax: 408-452-8388; Web: San Jose, Calif. June 26–28   A&WMA 2007 Annual Conference. Air &Waste Management Assn. (Pittsburgh, Pa.). Phone: 412-232-3444; Fax:…

Member Exclusive

GE Plastics to Sabic

Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (Sabic; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has agreed to purchase GE Plastics (Pittsfield, Mass.; for $11.6 billion. Regulatory approval for the transaction is expected to occur by the third quarter of 2007.

Member Exclusive

Propylene glycol

Huntsman Corp. (Houston, Tex.; plans to commercialize a process for making propylene glycol (PG) from glycerin, a byproduct of biodiesel production, and will make the product available for customer trials within the next month. Using proprietary technology, the company…

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A new packaging foam

Nova Chemicals (Pittsburgh, Pa.; has launched Arcel, a new foam resin that enables retailers to reduce the cube size of packaging by as much as 40% compared to traditional foam packaging, without sacrificing the protective qualities. As a result,…

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The Evolution of Power

    Environmental regulations, the economy, an aging infrastructure and the always growing demand for energy are well-known factors driving the need to reshape today’s power generation industry. But how the pending changes will impact the chemical process industries (CPI)…